Category Archives: Steering Committee Minutes

Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Minutes May 19, 2018

Laurel Recovery Min 5.19.18


Ben G., Jeanne O., Margaret M., Tony C., Elaine P., David M., John R., Clark H., Nancy A., Deanna C., Sharron O., Teri F., Cal B.


Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.


Actions items:

Clark will review the inventory again and replace old and damaged books. He will buy a dozen new hard back 12 & 12’s to sell and 6 large print big books.

Nancy will try to be finished contacting people on the temporary sponsor list by the next meeting. She will try texting people as well.

John R. will ask John K. If he can contact Laurel Lakes to see if the pavilion is available on Sept. 15, 22, or 29, 2018.


Chairs Report – John R. –

April minutes were approved as written.


Vice Chair’s Report — No Report


Treasurer’s Report –

The March and April treasurer’s reports were distributed via email. Approval of the March and April report was tabled to next month because there was no information on the electronic spreadsheet. The printed version also did not show monthly information.  Lynnell will resend.  The information about the dinner/dance will be on the report.


GSR Report – Ben G.

Ben was not able to attend the GSR meeting. There are open slots available in the delegate assembly. Go to the website to volunteer for the for ICYPAA which will be held at the Baltimore Hilton from August 30-Sept. 2, 2018.


WAIA Report – Margaret M. –

Important committees that have vacant spots are Grapevine, H&I. They are sponsoring a 7 week step workshop in D.C. on Sundays from 5-6:30 p.m. Check it out at Looking for someone to sit on the night desk.


H&I Report – Rebecca

Not present – No Report


Supplies – Sharron

Spending below budget on supplies. There were missing cans of coffee. The closet code will be changed to help prevent theft and a sign-out sheet will be placed in closet for those who need to take coffee.



Chips & Literature – Clark H.

Clark is spending under budget. He has replaced chips, plastic and metal. Will replace hardback 12 & 12 books, and will get 1/2 doz. large print big books. 3 people in this meeting would like to buy them. A motion was made to purchase 12 hard back 12&12 books. The motion carried.


Secretary Coordinator – Deanna

Trying to find an 8am Friday meeting secretary.


Website – John R.

All is well with the website. A report was electronically sent to all members and will be attached to the minutes.

12-Step Chair – Brien B

not present – No Report

Old Business

A motion was made that until the temporary sponsor list names has been confirmed, we

will not distribute the names in the newcomer packets. The motion passed.


New Business

Nancy announced the AA International Woman’s Conference “Language of the Heart” will be held in Los Angeles from Feb. 7-10, 2019. She has flyers if anyone is interested. The website is


Picnic – John K. will check with Laurel Lakes to see if any of the following dates are available – September 15, 22 or 29. There is a pavilion and is a nice setting for a picnic. More will be discussed at at the next meeting after we get a date.


Margaret will be gone for 5 weeks and Ben will cover WAIA for Margaret.


The meeting was adjourned.


Laurel Recovery Min 4_21_18

[ Official Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee May 19, 2018]

Attendees:   Ben G., Jeanne O., Margaret M., Tony C., Elaine P., Jim S., John K., David M., John R., Clark H., Nancy A.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.


Actions items:

Clark will review the 12&12 book inventory and replace those books that are damaged and falling apart.

Nancy A. will call all the people on the temporary sponsor lists to ask if their names and numbers can be included in the newcomer packets.

 Chairs Report – John R. –

March minutes were approved as written.


Vice Chair’s Report — No Report


Treasurer’s Report – The treasurer’s report was distributed via email. Approval of the March report was tabled to next month because there was no information on the electronic spreadsheet. The printed version also did not show monthly information.


GSR Report – Ben G.

  • The treasurer’s report from WAGSA will be given to the Laurel Recoveryis not in the report because they donate annually.
  • Spring assembly is June 16 and Fall assembly is October
  • 32 annual gratitude breakfast is November 18
  • 180 Club is having a 4th tip
  • District 2 open house is April 26
  • Historical overview and the information on structure will be put on the board


WAIA Report – Margaret M. – No Report

H&I Report – Rebecca Not present – No Report Supplies – Sharron not present

Supplies are okay and stocked.


Chips & Literature – Clark H.

Clark did an inventory of all chips. We need 12 & 12 books to replace those that are damaged. Clark will look at the old inventory and replace damaged books. Clark reported that he believes chips are disappearing quicker than they are being handed out to anniversaries. John R. doesn’t agree that they are being stolen.



Secretary Coordinator – Deanna not present – Meetings are filled with secretaries.


Website – John R.

All is well with the website. A report was electronically sent to all members and will be attached to the minutes.

12-Step Chair – Brien B not present – No Report

Old Business

The meeting/dinner/dance is moving along nicely. John R. continues to provide reports

of the ticket sales regularly. We are not yet at 150 which was the desired quota. Elaine made a motion to allow the Celebrate Recovery Book Store to be at the dance with a table to sell recovery items at the dance. John seconded the motion. The motion was passed with majority aye and one nay.


New Business

A question was raised about sending out the temporary sponsor list in the envelopes being given to newcomers. There was a question about whether it was violating the tradition of anonymity. There was also a question about whether the people on the list were okay with their phone numbers being distributed outside the doors of Laurel Recovery. Nancy did not feel it was violating any traditions. After much discussion and this concern being shared by a few board members, Nancy volunteered to call the people on the list to ask if they would have a problem with their names and numbers being included in the newcomer packets.


Nancy asked if Laurel Recovery was losing its lease. The answer to that question is no. We have a lease in place for 17 months at this time and there is no indication we will not be continued.


The meeting was adjourned.




Attendees: John R., Margaret M., Deanna C., Tony C., John K., Nettie T., Ben G., Rebecca J., Brien B., Elaine P.



The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

A motion was made and passed to approve February 2018 minutes.

Old Business Action items:

  • Brien B. will follow up on the designated trash bin for LR use.
  • Rebecca will get email address for H&I possible meetings from WAIA.
  • Kenny and Spencer will be shampooing the carpets at a date TBA.
  • David placed a dustbuster in the alcove for use on the steps leading to the room.
  • O. Box: Lynnell M. wants control of PO box as communications made to previous contact; this requires an official LRG letter designating her as appropriate person; Lynnell will contact Nancy A. who will compose and prepare letter dated and signed by chairperson.
  • Deanna has talked to secretaries about cleaning the room after meetings and turning off the coffee pot. She has graciously placed a Swiffer in bathroom.
  • Spring cleaning is imminent; John R. will check with Kate about dates and times.
  • The wall phone is unable to make outgoing calls and does not ring. John K. will follow up with David about purchasing a new one.
  • Tony C. will contact Verizon to find out what services our current contract provides.
  • Brien B. will monitor the phone for messages if that is an option.
  • LR 45 Year Celebration: Chairman:  John K.

Members of LR and Rock Bottom met to choose the date and venue. Our original plan to present a budget before LRSC was abandoned in order to move ahead with a venue and favorable pricing.  Date: May 5 2018.  Venue:  St Mary of the Mills Catholic Church.  Time:  6-11 pm, we can get in by 5 pm.  Catering: Laurel Meat Market.  Costs are being split with Rock Bottom Group.  For the sake of time we will have an AA speaker only.  Tickets will become available March 20; John R. will hold tickets to distribute among meetings beyond LR; no tickets will be sold at the door; children will require tickets. A cake from CakesPlus is being donated.


Chair:  John R.  Report deferred for New Business.

Vice Chair:  Jim S. is ill today.

Treasurer:  John K.

Motion was passed to approve the treasurer’s report.

Increased contributions and changes in supply sources have improved our financial status

We have made funds available to purchase more literature, replace old books and provide free Big Books to newcomers.

GSR:  Ben G.

Monthly WAGSA meeting was held.

Ben provided and posted copies of the 68th General Service Conference Committees & Agenda Items

Litigation has ceased concerning the 1939 BB manuscript.

Tony C. provided more information on the auction of the manuscript:

An AA approved meeting app is in the works.

LR has contributed $100 to WAGSA; report will be given to Lynelle M.

New meetings and conferences will be posted on the board.

ICYPAA site is up and running

State convention will be in Frederick this year.

WAIA :  Margaret M.

A new treasurer is needed.

Desk slots are open for service work.

Elections committee needs a chair.

Office committee needs IT help.

H&I report: We should reach out to WAIA and the New Reporter to find places that are asking for meetings.

Gala:   Date is March 24.  Masquerade ball, tickets at the door.

H&I:   Rebecca J.

Rebecca is looking into new areas where we can be of service.

Supplies: Sharron O.

Sharron was present via speaker before the meeting.

All supplies are up to date.  She will request new checks from Lynelle this week.

Chips & Literature:  Clark H.

John R. spoke for Clark today.

We have added one hundred 24-hour chips and 2 cases of Big Books to our stock.

Big Books are available for newcomers.

Elaine P. prepared 50 newcomer packets that are available now.  Supplies are on hand for 50 more packets when they are needed.

Secretary Coordinator:  Deanna C.

Keys have been given to Berkeley and ‘Boston’ John.

Sharing keys between co-secretaries was discussed.

Motion was made and passed for secretaries and co-secretaries to have a separate set of keys.

Deanna is keeping a log of key distribution and is monitoring clean up after meetings.

Webmaster:   John R.

The website is currently down due to technical issues with the transfer of servers.

When it is back online, all resources on the site will be self contained and more readily available.

12-Step Chair:  Brien B.

So far we’ve had no contacts for help.

Brien has his cape ready for action.

New Business Action Items:

  • Motion by John R. was passed to eliminate the ongoing announcement concerning cancellation of steering committee meetings. In the event of LRSC cancellation a specific announcement will be made.
  • Motion by John R. was passed to include a list of temporary sponsors be provided with newcomer packets. A list of women will be given to women, a list of men given to men. John will be responsible for these lists and will store them with packets.
  • Motion by Tony C. to have a microphone for LR speakers because of complaints that we can’t hear speakers. This was addressed in a previous website survey and not passed.  John R. suggested offering a new website survey and discuss at the April LRSC meeting.  Any ideas for topics are welcome.
  • Brien B. suggested a combination lock on the outside door but safety issues are prohibitive.
  • Nettie offered that Laurel Recovery has been complimented its considerate treatment of newcomers.
  • Ben G. announced ECYPAA in DC in May 2018 to include all east coast states.

Adjournment:   called at 11:05 am with the Serenity and Lord’s prayers.


[Approved by the Steering Committee March 17, 2018]

LRG Minutes 2-17-18

Time What/ Topic Activity Follow-Up due
In attendance from sign-in sheet:

Jeanne O, John R, Margaret M, Tony C, Deanna C, Elaine P, Jeff R, Jim S. Jerry D, John K, Sharron O, Nettie T, Kenny R, David M, Lynnell M

10:00 AM David open meeting with Serenity Prayer
Elections ELECTIONS conducted by DAVID. All positions passed unanimously, All but * in attendance, elected unanimously by attendees

Chairman: John R;

Vice  Chair: Jim S (Alternate Nettie T)

Secretary: *Nancy A; Alternate Jeanne O

Treasure: Lynnell M; Alternate, John K

GSR: *Ben

WAIA: Margaret

H&I: *Rebecca

Literature: *Clark

Supplies: Sharron


Secretary Coordinator: Deanna

Webmaster: John R

12th Step Coordinator: *Brien B

MINUTES prev MINUTES from December meeting APPROVED by attendees (January meeting had been cancelled)

Chair/David – None

Vice Chair/Jerry – None


WAIA – Margaret has 2 months of reports, verbalized highlights, all reports available on websites WAIA and LRG.

Reports Treasurer/Lynnell.  November, December reports emailed. Elaborated on January and 2017 reports. Bank fees from PNC for 2017 were about $1000. 2017 deposits were up, expenses down about $4000.  Query about whether to replenish $1200 taken from savings Aug, Sep and Oct bills making mention chips/lit.  Lease is to May 2019: Motion made, seconded and carried. Treasurer presented and explained charts: inflow/Outflow; Monthly Supplies. Individuals with combination to main storage of supplies: Chair, Supplies, Chips/Lit, Earl. More $ from 2017 due to increased contributions, tightened spending.


Proposed 2018 budget okayed by committee with notes that would be finalized after planning 2018 LRG 45 year celebration (anniversary date March 17, 2018). Other notes that chips/literature $ combined, had increased phone $.


Re: functionality of 301-490-8136; purchase of new phone to new business.

Re: 2018 dance or picnic. Motion made, seconded and passed okay budget, PLUS for 2018 there would be more discussion on possible 3 events and may be incorporated into 2018 budget. (anniversary celebration, dance and picnic.) Motion made, seconded and passed that Treasurer reports/spread approved.

Reports Reports continued:

H&I – N/A

Supplies /Sharron – reported on purchases. Sam’s Club membership expired February, Lynnell will renew. Group decided to continue to stock stirrers.

Chips & Literature – N/A (Clark had to leave early)

Secretary Coordinator/Jeanne –  Reported on status of keys issued. Motion made to issue key to 43-year member currently in non-service status. Seconded, discussion, passed with one no, 3 abstentions.

Webmaster/John – has sent report. 800 checked meeting schedule in January 2018. Motion made we no longer stock paper meeting schedule but not passed. Sharron will pick up Washington Where and When after new one (Spring 2018?) published. Elaine reports that LRG has newcomer packets in stock. Discussion re: provide LRG chips for out-of-town AA attendees. Nothing proposed or changed.

12th Step Coordinator – N/A



[1] Kenny and Spenser to shampoo carpets.

[2] David to bring dust buster out of locked closet and make accessible.

[3]Secretaries will be reminded to come early to clean. [4] Next month an organized spring cleaning will be added to the agenda for planning.


P.O. Box

Lynnell M wants control of PO box as communications made to previous contact. Requires official LRG letter designating Lynnell as appropriate person.

[5] Lynnell to contact Nancy

[6] Nancy will compose and prepare  letter dated today and signed by  chairperson.


LRG Telephone

[8] David to buy new used phone for 301-490-8136. Motion made, seconded, and passed that

[9] Brien B to monitor phone for messages.



Motion made, seconded and passed that John  K  will chair the event committee.  [

10] He will create a plan and present to the Steering Committee. John R made motion that LRG partner with Rock Bottom Group  on Dance/Anniversary Celebration. Motion seconded and passed.

[11] John R will represent RBG and meet with John K of LRG to discuss partnering.

Steering Committee Meeting cancellation notification

Sharron request improvement in meeting cancellation notification, as some people showed for cancelled January meeting.

[12] Add to secretary Steering Committee announcements sheet for people to check website prior to meeting to confirm not cancelled;

[13] Secretary Coord notify secretaries via text, etc. as can;

[14] Webmaster post change to website.
[1] p Kenny/Spenser

[2] R David

[3] p Deanna

[4] p Nancy

[5] p Lynnell

[6] p Nancy A.

[7] p John R

[8] p David M

[9] p Brien B

[10] p John K

[11] p John R

[12] R Jeanne

[13] p Deanna

[14] R John R
Jerry D thanked exiting chair, David M, for service.
11:20 Meeting end with prayer.


Laurel Recovery Min 12.16.17

Attendees:   Nancy A., Tony C., Margaret M., John R., Lynnell M., Teresa P., Jeanne O., David M., Clark H., Ben G., Jim C.,

Tylor F., a newcomer, came into the meeting not realizing it was a Steering Committee Meeting. He stayed and talked with members afterwards.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Actions items:

  • Lynnell will tally the gratitude donations and notify Board.
  • Lynnell will send a new distribution of funds to the Board for approval.
  • Lynnell will get more newcomer packets.
  • Jeanne will create a tent card for Christmas and New Year’s Eve Alcathons
  • Jeanne will create a food sign-up sheet for those meetings.
  • John will post the holiday schedule on the website.

Chairs Report – David M. –

Motion was made to approve the minutes. The GSR report was left out of the minutes. The revised minutes will reflect the report. The minutes were approved as amended.

Vice Chair’s Report

Not present – No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynell

PNC charged $213 last month for deposits. We will be transitioning to BBT. Envelopes will be put up front immediately. We had a good year and it is recommended that we increase our donations to WAIA, Gen. Services, etc. Lynnell will tally the gratitude donations and send us the recommendations for the increases via email.

GSR Report – Ben G.

Ben gave the WAGSA Treasurer’s report to the Treasurer. A vote on reducing the numbers of meetings has been tabled. Some activities are coming up and flyers will be on the board. International Conference of Young People is coming to the Hilton Inner Harbor in Baltimore August 30-September 2, 2018. Registration can be found on the website. Alanon International is also coming to Baltimore next year.

WAIA Report – Margaret M.

The WAIA officers have been elected. There is alot of opportunity for service with WAIA. We should let WAIA know about our holiday alcathons by sending a PDF of the flyer. They are developing a FAQ page on the website and needs input for content. The Gala will be March 24, 2018. Information is on the website. They need committee chairs for the Public Information Committee and Special Needs Committee. The accounting system is stable.

H&I Report – No Chair

An H&I Chair is needed.

Supplies – Not present

Supplies are stocked. Lynnell asked if Sharron had any outstanding PNC checks.

Chips & Literature – Clark H.

Chips, Big Books and literature is all stocked. We need more newcomer packets. Lynnell will get more.

Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O.

Slots are filled for the holidays. Jeanne will do a food sign-up list and will create a tent card for Christmas and New Years Eve. A new Secretary Coordinator will be needed for next year.

Website – John R.

A motion was made to request that John post the minutes on the website and state they are “non-approved”. Then he will change them later with the approved minutes. Jeanne seconded. The motion carried. John was asked to put the new holiday schedule on the website.

12-Step Chair – Brien B. – Not present

Old Business


New Business

The Committee approved that Teresa can decorate the room for Christmas. The meeting was adjourned.


Laurel Recovery Min 11.18.17

November 18th Minutes Approved December 16, 2017

Attendees:   Nancy A., Jeanne O., Brien B., Cal B., Ben G., Margaret M., Sharron O., Tony C., Lynnell M., Jerry D., David M., Clark H., Josh M., Ernie J.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Actions items:

  • David will coordinate with BBT to set up new accounts. Ben G. Is the new GSR for Laurel Recovery
  • Jeanne will put volunteer sheets up in the back for Christmas and New Years Alcathons.
  • Sign up to help with the ICYPAA International Convention in Baltimore.

Chairs Report – David M. –

October 21 minutes were approved as written.

Vice Chair’s Report — Not present

No Report

Treasurer’s Report – The treasurer’s report was distributed via email. The federal ID number was given to Revere Bank and they have not communicated with us since. It is recommended we use BBT bank. There will be no fee for deposits. Three signatories are needed, President, Treasurer and John K. A motion was made to use BBT by Nancy, seconded by Lynnell and the motion was approved. A motion was made to accept the the treasurer’s report by Ben, seconded by Brien and the motion was approved.

GSR Report –

A motion was made by David to vote Ben G. as GSR. Jeanne seconded and the motion was approved.

WAIA Report – Margaret M.

  • Report from General Service Conference was given to the Secretary WAIA Bylaws was given to the Secretary.
  • The Gala will be held on Dec. 31. All dates will be posted on the WAIA board.
  • The Board and GSO is restructuring which will be a topic for next general service mtg. There have been discussions about the next Big Book edition.
  • WAIA financial statements were turned over to the Treasurer. People are needed to volunteer for service on the Board.
  • There are desk openings at headquarters on Connecticut Avenue.
  • The minutes from the WAIA meeting will be on the WAIA board at Laurel Recovery.

H&I Report – Not present

No Report

Supplies – Sharron

A few things are needed. The coffee will no longer be ordered in packets.

Chips & Literature – Clark H.

Chips, Big Books and literature is all stocked.

Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O. – Thanksgiving day is covered for the whole day. She requested that we have a lot of supplies and coffee available. Food will be there.

Website – John R. Not present

12-Step Chair – Brien B

Brien will put the list up front for people to sign up. It was suggested that we clarify in the announcements that anyone who is interested in going on 12 step calls to contact Brien B. It isn’t worded that way and it is confusing.

Old Business

 A question was asked about the trash situation. David announced the trash can be set by the dumpster out back.

New Business

For Christmas Jeanne will put a sign up sheet on the board for volunteers for meetings on that day. There will be 8 meetings – 8am, 10am, 12noon, 2pm, 4pm, 5:30pm, 7pm and 8:30pm. Margaret will be here and will take spots in between the meetings. Covered dishes are welcome. A food list will also be posted.

On New Years Even there will also be additional meetings. 9am, 11am, 4pm, 5:30pm, 7:30pm, 9:30pm and 11:30pm.

The 60th ICYPAA International Conference is happening in Baltimore. They need people to be involved. It will be August 30-September 2, 2018. Contact Ben if you are interested and he can tell you how to contact them.

The meeting was adjourned.


October 21, 2017

Laurel Recovery Min 10.21.17

Attendees: David M., John K., Tony C., Nancy A., Margaret M., Jeanne O., Clark H., Lynnell M., Josh M., Jim. S., Elaine P., Chris B., Earl H.

Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Actions for next meeting:

Elaine P. Will provide the literature and chips inventory to Clark from lats year.

Chairs Report – David M. – No report

Vice Chair’s Report — Not present – No Report

Treasurer’s Report – The treasurer’s report was distributed. The funds are still at PNC bank and will be removed when we transfer all funds to Revere. A balance will be maintained at both banks until all checks are cleared. Lynnell is trying to obtain our federal id number in order to open the new account. The Treasurer’s report was approved.

GSR Report – No Report

WAIA Report – Margaret M.

Desk workers are needed at WAIA.

New Where & When is coming out soon.

Donations to WAIA can be made electronically on website. Website is changing making communication easier.

New election nominations deadline is December 1. There are several positions open. There is a need for H&I outreach.

There will be a gala in the spring. After the gala, a decision will be made about continuing this activity.

H&I Report – Not present

No Report

Supplies – Josh M.

Sharron was nominated to take over this position. John made a motion and Elaine seconded for Sharron to handle supplies and was voted in. She arrived later in the meeting and agreed to take over this position.

Chips & Literature – Clark H.

Clark goes through the chips every Tuesday. Quite a few chips are missing and there is concern that they are not being used at Laurel Recovery. There was discussion about how often Big Books have been purchased in the past. Elaine has an inventory from last year and will provide the inventory to Clark.  Clark was approved to purchase a case of Big Books. John R. will also help Clark to keep chips stocked and will give David notice if coffee is getting low in the locked closet.

Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O. – Keys have been distributed to the “pitch-hitters” who are often called upon to substitute for secretaries when needed.

Website – John R.

Website is doing well. There is approximately 50 hits a day. A meeting guide Ap has been put on L.R. website so anyone can download it to their phone.

Old Business New Business

Nancy asked about whether it would be smart to put a combination lock on the doors so there are not so many keys floating around. It would not be a good idea because it is too easy for people who should not have the combination to gain access. Also there is another meeting held in the other room across the hall.

Earl asked about the trash situation. David reported that the owner is working on it and when there is resolution, David will be notified and he will share with the groups.

The meeting was adjourned. SECRETARIES MEETING

Attendees: Attendees from the Steering Committee Meeting and Jerry D, Larry L., Sharron O., Otiscia W.

The meeting was opened. The discussion was around the topic of doing everything we can at Laurel Recovery for the newcomer.

There was a lot of discussion about how Laurel Recovery meetings can ensure we are doing everything possible to welcome the newcomer. Every meeting at Laurel Recovery is autonomous, therefore no outside group can dictate the meeting format. It is being suggested by the steering committee that every meeting have a group conscience to determine if they are meeting the needs of the newcomer, what else they can do for the newcomer and if they want to do anything different than what they already do.

Some thoughts and ideas brought forward at the steering committee meeting were as follows:

  • When a newcomer introduces him/herself in the meeting, read Page 30 (first 4 paragraphs) in the Big Book in addition to or instead of reading How it
  • When a newcomer introduces him/herself in the meeting, give them a Newcomer Packet, available in the black
  • Have a greeter for your meeting welcome everyone which connects a newcomer to someone in the meeting as soon as they walk
  • Be sure the 24-hour chip is explained clearly and distributed at each
  • When opening the meeting, ask if any newcomers would like to share
  • Announce no crosstalk (especially to the newcomer), only share your experience, strength and hope when you were a
  • If it is a step meeting, change the format for that meeting by reading the first step instead of the current
  • Refer the newcomer to the Friday noon Beginners
  • Any other thoughts from your group conscience that welcomes the newcomer to your meeting and to AA as a

Nancy A. Agreed to type up this list of suggestions and leave it at the front desk so the secretaries can request a group conscience and discuss these suggestions.

The meeting was adjourned.


September -16th-2017-Steering-Committee-Meeting


John K, Tony C, Marta C, Elaine P, Jerry D, John R, Lynelle M, and Jeanne O.

Meeting called to order by John R.
Serenity Prayer


From previous meeting discussed: 12 step list Brian B. is the new 12 Step Chair



No Report

Vice Chair

No Report

Treasurer report by Lynelle.

Did research on new bank due to PNC fees. John K to check Revere Bank. More research to be done.

GSR no rep:

No Report

WAIA report by Margaret.

Meeting attended week before. Meeting finder app discussed, SC motioned and seconded to add to LRG website, and to be done by John R.


No Report


No Report

Chips & Literature

No Report

Secretary Coordinator Jeanne O

No Report

Website John R

No Report


Lynelle’s previous request re: 1st through 3rd paragraphs from p. 30 be read leads to engaging all group secretaries/chairs at October SC meeting and discuss how to handle meetings when NEWCOMER comes. Lynelle to work with Nancy A and draft letter, email to SC, and present to secretaries at meeting.

-12th Step Chair filled per Margaret. Brien B volunteered to be liaison with WAIA to be sure 12th step calls responded to. His feedback to be sent to SC, as cannot attend Saturday meetings. SC motioned and seconded to accept. Jeanne O get his email address to add to SC distribution. John R add announcement to Website


Margaret: Wall calendar, pocket calendars, 3 new publications



August 19, 2017

Laurel Recovery Min 8.19.17


Nettie, John R., Josh M., Clark H., Kate B., Tony C., Nancy A.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Actions for next meeting:

Nancy will create a list to distribute at meetings for four weeks asking people to provide their name and number if they are interested in being called for a 12 step call.

Chairs Report – Nettie

No report

Vice Chair’s Report – Jerry D.

No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynell

– The treasurer’s report was distributed. Nothing outstanding to report. June and July received more than was spent. Bank fees were credited to our account. Revere doesn’t charge for deposits. Karen C. Gave LR a check for Alan books and deposit slips. We are being charged for night deposits. Jim Sweeney and Lynnell will work on resolving this problem.

GSR Report – 

No Report

WAIA Report – Margaret

No Report.

There was discussion about the 12 step chair. A motion was passed to create a 12 step list and distribute it at meetings for four weeks. These will be people who are interested in doing 12 step calls and to provide their phone number. It can be separated by daytime and evening calls. The motion passed. If this list is already created, it might be easier for someone to step up to be the 12 step chair.

H&I Report – Kate B.

Kate needs secretaries for H&I. She needs someone to be responsible for one Thursday a month. Someone asked her for a list of rehabs in the area. LR does not provide this information. Maybe that person can be referred to the hospital. The hospital is in need of pamphlets. What type of pamphlets should we provide? Clark will get a sample of what the intergroup provides and will bring to the next steering meeting so we can see how much they are and if we want to distribute
them. If someone is asking for a phone number, men should ask men and women should ask women. If the same sex person is not available at the meeting, give them the WAIA number to connect to someone.

Supplies – Josh M.

Josh asked for a check to get supplies. There have been thefts of supplies at LR. Please keep an eye on anyone walking out with stuff they shouldn’t.

Chips & Literature – Clark H.

Clark is willing to pick up a book or two if someone requests it and he is already going to pick up literature, but won’t make a special trip because someone wants to get a book.

Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O.

No Report

Website – John R.

Website is doing well.

Old Business

Newcomer packets are made and will be in the black cabinet. An envelope and a note will be put up front for secretaries letting them know they are available and should be given to anyone getting a 24 hour chip.

New Business

Lynell gave Grapevines to Kate to take to the hospital meeting. Lynell presented an idea that if a newcomer introduces him/herself at a meeting, that the meeting read Page 30 of the Big Book. This is up for discussion at future meetings. Since all meetings are autonomous, they would need to vote on this suggestion. This topic will be discussed and could possibly be incorporated by the end of the year if voted on by each meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.