Category Archives: Steering Committee Minutes


Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee April 20, 2019

Steering Committee Minutes March 16

Attendees: Nancy A., John K., Jerry D., Margaret M., John R., Jessica C., Ginger J., Marta C, Ben C., Ron R.

Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

A motion was made to approve the January and February minutes. The minutes were approved.

Chair’s Report — The book prices were updated in the glass cabinet.

Action Items – Pending Items

  • Ernie will get prices for supplies to paint the Laurel Recovery room
  • Barrett can look into the H&I requests on the WAIA website to see if there is something Laurel Recovery can
  • Lynnell can inform the group of our gratitude donation from Laurel Recovery to WAIA?
  • Jessica will print the step prayer flyers that she showed the
  • The 2019 budget will be approved at the April

Vice Chair’s Report — No Report

Treasurer’s Report – John K.
The 2019 budget will be presented at the next meeting for approval. The financial condition at L.R. is good.

GSR Report – No report

WAIA Report – Margaret M.
March 2019 WAIA Meeting Minutes

  • A new chair was voted in at the WAIA They are doing an inventory of people and putting out calls for help. There was a 20% increase in the gratitude boxes and they are grateful.
  • They need H&I volunteers for Suburban Hospital and PG Correctional Institute. Information is on the website. Perhaps Barrett can look into this for a Laurel Recovery H&I
  • The gala will be held on April 13. Flyer is on the website. Sammy G will be
  • The night watch needs help. Calls roll over to your phone. There is
  • There will be a Sponsorship Conference on Sept.14 from 8-6 in Tacoma
  • There will be a two day workshop – What’s the Point-12 Steps to Emotional Sobriety, June 1-2.

A question was asked as to what our gratitude donation was during gratitude month. Lynnell can provide that at the next meeting.

H&I Report – No Report

Supplies – Marta C.

Marta asked if we were going to continue to provide Styrofoam cups. We have discussed this issue many times as it relates to the environment and cost.        A motion was made that we continue doing what we are doing. We will provide styrofoam cups but will also provide mugs for people to use and they can make their own choice.

Secretary Coordinator – no report

Website – John R. Website is doing well. Stats were sent out and are made a part of these minutes.

New Business

Group inventory – Nancy provided questions to ask when doing a group inventory. A motion was made to put these questions on our website as a survey. The motion was seconded. There was discussion about this. It was thought that doing this as a survey is a good idea because it worked the last time we put a survey on the website. Since Laurel Recovery is a group, it was felt it would be acceptable. An addition could be made to the survey as to which meeting(s) the person attends. There was disagreement about this method. It was voiced that in order for each meeting to be autonomous, it should be decided by each meeting whether a group inventory is needed and then to have the group inventory done at the group conscience. It was thought that doing a website survey was not adhering to the traditions. A vote was cast and 7 voted for and 1 opposed. The motion carried.

Jessica distributed a small handout with step prayers and asked if we could copy it and make it available at the meetings. The only request was to take off the statement NO SMOKING. A motion was made to print, the motion was seconded and the motion carried.

Nancy asked if anyone felt the job descriptions for the positions should be looked at and, if necessary, revised. These job description were created by Jeanne O when there was a need for them but not with the approval of the board. They were not reviewed or created by the people holding those positions.       No one felt it was necessary.

The meeting was adjourned.


Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee March 16, 2019

Steering Cmte Minutes Feb 2019

Attendees: Nancy A., David M., John K., Ronica, Jason A., Jason J., Deanna C. Mike N., Barrett G., Brian C., Shawn M., Michael T., Jerry D., Liz W., Margaret M., John R., Clark A., Brien B., Jessica C., Ginger J., Marta, Ben, Larry.

Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

The election was held by written ballot. Clark A. Counted the ballots. The results of the election are as follows:

  • Chair – John R.
  • Vice Chair – Jerry D.
  • Secretary – Nancy A.
  • Treasurer – Lynnell M.
  • Assistant Treasurer – John K.
  • Secretary Coordinator – Deanna C.
  • WAIA Representative – Margaret M.
  • H & I Representative – Barrett
  • H & I Alternate – Ronica
  • Chips Representative – Mike N.
  • Literature Representative – Larry
  • Supplies Representative – Marta
  • 12-Step Representative – Brien B.

Chair’s Report — No Report

Action Items – Pending Items

  • Ernie will get prices for supplies to paint the Laurel Recovery room
  • David to update book prices in glass box
  • Discuss and approve 2019 budget.
  • Discuss the group inventory for all meetings at Laurel

Vice Chair’s Report — No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.

Lynnell gave the end of the year Treasurer’s Report. She made a motion to increase the contribution in 2019 from $1,000 to $1,500. WAIA will receive $900 (not $600), GSO will receive $450 (not $300), and WAGSA will receive $150 ($100). Margaret Seconded and and the motion carried unanimously. It is recommended that at the next meeting we discuss and approve the budget for 2019.

GSR Report – No report

WAIA Report – Margaret M.

  • 2019-01-WAIA-Board-Minutes-approved
  • The minutes from the last WAIA meeting is on the website org. There is a lot of information about the latest meeting.
  • There is a new pamphlet AA Members – Medications and Other Drugs. She suggests

H&I Report – Barrett G.

The Laurel Hospital closed so Laurel Recovery does not currently have an H&I commitment. Margaret suggested that WAIA has a list of institutional requests and that Barrett can see if there is somewhere we can help.

Supplies – No Report

A complaint was made by Rebecca that we are using styrofoam cups and plastic stirrers when they are not environmentally friendly. The ceramic mugs are available for people who want to use them to reduce the amount of styrofoam cups being used. She volunteered she would bring in bamboo stirrers.

Secretary Coordinator – Deanna C.

The two co-secretaries for the Saturday noon meeting have not been well and have not been able to fulfill their commitment. Someone is willing to commit to that time and Deanna asked if that person should step in. It was suggested that the group have a group conscience to determine a new secretary for that group. The person interested should be there and step forward to be secretary during the group conscience.

Website – John R.

Website is doing well. This month we had 300 hits. Deanna commented that she got very positive feedback on our website.

New Business

Since the Rock Bottom group at the hospital no longer can meet at the hospital, the group is asking to meet at Laurel Recovery at 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening. There is no other meeting at LR at that time and it is a beginners meeting focusing on Step 1, 2, and John made a motion that we accept a new meeting at 7:00 p.m. Sunday which will be the Rock Bottom at Laurel Recovery Beginners meeting. David seconded. The motion carried.

Matt recommended that profanity not be allowed at Laurel Recovery. A discussion ensued and a motion was made that the following phrase be put in the announcements that “Profanity is not a sign of spiritual development.” The motion was seconded and a by a majority the motion passed (7 were opposed).

A complaint was made about clothes being dropped off at Laurel Recovery and left on the table. After some discussion it was decided that if anyone objects to that, they will personally take the clothes to the Goodwill drop off.

A suggestion was made by Ed that a group inventory be done at all of the meetings. Nancy A. Has a print out of how to do a group inventory and will bring it to the next Steering Committee meeting for new business.

The meeting adjourned at 9:50AM


Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee March 16, 2019

Steering Cmte Minutes JAN 2019

Attendees: John R., Sharron O., Lynnell M., Jeanne O., Matt H., John K., David M., Clark H.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

The November 17th minutes were reviewed and accepted as written.

Results of actions listed for this meeting:

  • Per Barrett, ward no longer at Laurel Hospital so outreach closed
  • Jessica checked homeless shelter at her church, no further visits requested by shelter inhabitants and nothing further planned [1]
  • Books purchased but not many sold during holidays. Current book stock level is good [2]

Actions for next meeting:

  • Still pending from November, Ernie will get prices for supplies to paint the Laurel Recovery
  • [1] Barrett or Jessica check with other churches for outreach visits
  • [2] David to update glass book price box

Chair’s Report — John R.

— Back to Basics – New class scheduled to be repeated in February, except Feb. 16 as conflicts with Steering Committee.

–To avoid upsetting the regularity of the BtB class, a motion was made to hold the BtB class at 10AM on Feb.16 and to move Steering Committee elections/meeting ahead to 9AM. Motion carried.

[3]. Because the BtB class will be held bi-monthly, a motion was made to list it as an autonomous group. Motion carried, and John R is coordinator of the meeting.

Vice Chair’s Report — No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell

–Gave report. All good, full report to new Steering Committee to be made in February.

— Motion was made to remove announcement requesting larger donations and motion carried.

—-[5] Later questions regarding Hazelden return and monies and refund pending affecting December

GSR Report – No report

WAIA Report – 2019-01-WAIA-Board-Minutes-approved

H&I Report – No report.

Supplies – Sharron O.

Supplies good.

— Laurel Recovery has new vacuum cleaner.

— Discussion re: cleaning of LRG room. [4]. Can be discussed by next steering committee.

Chips & Literature – Clark K.

— Most chips okay, will restock any low counts.

–Need more CAME TO BELIEVE, and have 12 on hand for meetings.

Secretary Coordinator – No report

Website – John R.

— Website is running smoothly.

New Business

New Business for NEW Steering Committee after February 16th election.

[3].New Steering Committee can decide if move their meetings on BtB Saturdays—or all their meetings—to 9AM.

[4].New Steering Committee can determine housekeeping plan for cleaning of Laurel Recovery.

1044 The meeting was adjourned.


Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee January 19, 2019

Laurel Recovery Min 11.17.18

Attendees: Nancy A., John R., Ernie J., Nettie., Sharron O., Deanna C., Tony C., Margaret M., Lynnell M., Jeanne O., Barrett G., Benjamin G.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Actions for next meeting: 

  • Barrett is to check on attendance of the Monday hospital meeting to determine attendance in the past.
  • A flyer is being made for the need for volunteers for the homeless shelter. Clark will purchase various books that are needed.
  • Books will be purchased to resell over the holidays. Lynnell will make a flyer to announce they are available.
  • Jeanne will create tent cards will be made to announce the Christmas Alcathon and New Year’s Eve meetings.
  • Ernie will get prices for supplies to paint the Laurel Recovery room.

Chairs Report – John R. – The October 20th minutes were reviewed and accepted as written.

  • Policies and Guidelines were updated, voted upon and
  • Back to Basics – Flyers are being made. A motion was made to use the 8 or 9 books that we already have and after the first session, if more are requested, we will buy a dozen more. Motion carried.
  • Thanksgiving Alcathon – Everything is in place for the Thanksgiving Alcathon.

Vice Chair’s Report — No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell gave the October 2018 report. A motion was made to approve the report as presented, the motion carried.

GSR Report – Ben G.

  • A new panel of officers will take office in January.
  • There will be a Northeast Regional General Service Assn. Business Conference 22-24, 2019.
  • A storage unit is being maintained for the archives. More information will follow.
  • Gratitude Breakfast being held on November 18th is sold out.
  • A proposed workshop is being organized for next year on sponsorship.

WAIA Report Maragaret – WAIA MEETING November 2018

H&I Report – Barrett G.

  • Mary of the Mills is hosting a homeless shelter and they have asked us to bring A.A. meetings into the shelter. Jessica is making a flyer for volunteers.
  • The hospital meeting at 8:00 p.m. on Mondays needs support and secretaries. Barrett will check the sign-in sheet to see how this meeting has been attended in the past.

Supplies – Sharron O. – Supplies are looking good. We don’t need any extra shopping for the Alcathon.

Chips & Literature – Clark K.

Although Clark was not in attendance, there was a lot of discussion about purchasing books to sell and what books we need for the Back to Basics program. It was decided books will be purchased to sell over the holidays. Lynnell will make a flyer about the books being available.

Clark will purchase the following books:

6          Daily Reflections

12        12&12 Books (hard cover),

5          Experience, Strength and Hope Books.

2          Cases of Big Books

Lynnell will purchase the following books:

12        Back to Basics Books

12        Little Red Books

5          Stools and Bottles

12        24-hour Books

Secretary Coordinator – Deanna C. (not in attendance at time of discussion)

  • There was discussion about whether people should have more than one secretary position at different meetings. Each group is autonomous and decides who will be the secretary for that group. The Steering Committee doesn’t dictate who can be secretary at any meetings.
  • Meeting secretaries are needed for Saturday at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday at 5:30 m.

Website – John R.

Website is running smoothly.

New Business

  • Can we purchase a new vacuum cleaner? Yes, a new vacuum cleaner can be purchased at Sam’s Club for around $150.
  • The meetings for the Christmas Alcathon will be the same as last John is editing the text and Jeanne will create the tent cards we used last year.
  • The meetings for the New Years Eve meetings will be the same as last John will edit the text and Jeanne will create the tent cards we used last year.
  • Theresa and Mary have permission to put up the Christmas Tree.
  • Ernie will get the cost of supplies to paint the Laurel Recovery room. This will be discussed next year.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be January 19, 2019.


Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee November 17, 2018

Laurel Recovery Min 10.20.18

Attendees: Nancy A., Margaret M., Tony C., Jim S., Cal V., Barrett G., Jim C., Deanna C., Jessica C., John K., David M., Clark K., Sharron O., John R., Ed.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Actions items:

  • Nancy will update the Secretary Guidelines and the Group
  • Laurel Recovery will host a Back to Basics Session. John R. will take the lead. Flyers will be made and will be announced at meetings.
  • Laurel Recovery was asked to support meetings at the homeless shelter at St. Mary Mills. Barrett and Jessica will coordinate.
  • The Thanksgiving Alcathon will be from 8am-8pm on 22. Tent cards will be made and John R. will make sign-up sheets.

 Chairs Report – John R. –

The September 15, 2018 minutes were approved as written.

The Secretary Guidelines were updated by Nancy A. The changes were reviewed with the group. The motion was made by Jim to accept the guidelines as revised, Margaret seconded and the motion carried.

The Laurel Recovery Group policies were updated by Nancy A. The proposed changes were reviewed with the group. After discussion and revision of proposed changes, Nancy made a motion to accept the policies, David seconded and the motion carried.

Vice Chair’s Report —

No Report

Treasurer’s Report –

The August and September reports were submitted and approved. Laurel Recovery transferred $1,200 back into savings to reimburse a loan taken previously.

GSR Report –

No Report

WAIA Report – Margaret M. – WAIA MEETING October 2018

  • Margaret gave the report from the meeting of October
  • There are a lot of opportunities for volunteers at a the Connecticut Avenue
  • The financial report was
  • Jessica volunteered to attend the 3 presentation on Safety in A.A.
  • There will be full day workshops on service in the D.C. area
  • The committees need

H&I Report –

A new H&I Chair is needed. Barrett G volunteered and was voted in. He was notified about monitoring the L.R. hospital meeting every Monday at 8pm. Also we have wanted to grow a Thursday meeting at the hospital also. His role is to recruit to bring meetings to the hospital and also to find other H&I commitments.

Supplies – Sharron

Supplies are good and she is staying on budget, although additional money was needed for picnic supplies.

Chips & Literature – Clark H.

This month Clark got more books and chips. Barrett volunteered to get the D.C. Where and Whens. Clark will also get more Came to Believe books.

Secretary Coordinator – Deanna

All the meetings are filled.

Website – John R.

All is well with the website. John sent a report about stats of website use.

12-Step Chair –

No Report

 Meeting Secretary Comments –


Old Business –


New Business

John suggested that over the holidays, Laurel Recovery host Back to Basics sessions. It will be held over four weeks. After much discussion it was decided it would be held on Saturdays, November 24, December 1st, 8th and15th. A flyer will be made, it will be put on the website and announced at meetings. Booklets will be purchased.

Jessica is asking Laurel Recovery to take meetings into the St. Mary Mills homeless shelter. The shelter is from December 23-December 30. We could have the meeting every evening from 7-8pm. St. Mary Mills is getting approval from the Council of Churches. Jessica and Barrett will discuss the logistics of this activity.

There was discussion about the Thanksgiving Alcathon at Laurel Recovery. John will print sign-up sheets for speakers. L.R. is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Jeanne will be asked to make the tent cards for the tables. Additional supplies are not needed.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be November 17, 2018.


Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee October 20, 2018

LAUREL RECOVERY GROUP SEP 15, 2018 Steering Cmte Minutes

ATTENDEES: Jeanne O, John R, Diana K, Tony C, John K, David M, Benjamin G, Jim S, Cal B, Bernie S, Sharron O, Nettie T, Lynnell M, Clark H

Meeting was called to order at 10AM with Serenity Prayer

Action Items August 21 reviewed, checked off. Carried over to next meeting is Nancy to present update of LRG policies to steering committee at future meeting

Minutes from August 21 meeting discussed. Motion made to approve minutes, motion carried.

Chair’s report – John R nothing to report

Vice Chair’s report – Jim S. nothing to report

GSR report – Ben G gave report. Will be posted through GSO.

WAIA report – Margaret had submitted to SC via email, bullets presented by Jeanne O

H&I report – Elaine sent email nothing to report

Supplies – Sharron nothing new to report, to buy picnic items from list; David to work with her

Chips/Literature – Clark needs $ for items, to pick up WHERE AND WHENS

Secretary Coordinator – John gave Deanna’s report. Sunday 5:30 needs secretary.

Website – John R sent status to SC, doing well

12 Step Coordinator – No report, coordinator still awaits calls from WAIA.

Meeting Secretary comments – Diana, As Bill Sees It Sat. 5:30 secretary wants to boost attendance, SC members shared tips, also refer her to Secretary Handbook.

Treasurer Reports – Lynnell. July and August reports, doing great, no financial problems. Prudent reserve has been replenished from checking account per previous SC discussion and agreement. Re: phone expense. SC voted to remove phone and close account. David M removed phone. Motion made to approve treasurer report, motion carried.

Old Business
• Painting and clean up activity discussed in August has been put on hold pending additional research, etc.
• Activity researching replacement of carpet still in works. In addition to Ernie’s findings, David will check other resources and bring prices to SC next month.
• Nancy’s work on updating LRG policies in the works, recommendations to be brought to SC
• Updates regarding Sep 22 picnic discussed

New Business – None




Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee September 15, 2018

Laurel Recovery Min 8.21.18

Attendees: John R., Nettie T, Jeanne O., Tony C., Margaret M., Elaine P., David M., Jim S., Nancy A., Ben G., Brien B., Stacey R., Matt H.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Action items:

  • Brien will contact WAIA about 12 step work and how they are handling the 12 step calls that come in.
  • John will consult with David M about the details of how the picnic has been handled in the past.
  • Nancy will create a sign-up sheet for food and volunteers
  • Nancy will check with Karen C about updating the L.R. Group Policies and begin to update policies.

Chairs Report – John R.

  • Review of last month’s actions items complete except one item still unsure whether Lynnell spoke with landlord about electronic transfer method of paying the rent.
  • July minutes were approved as written

Vice Chair’s Report — 

Nothing to report Treasurer’s Report – No report.

GSR Report – Ben G.

  • There was no WAGSA meeting in
  • A newsletter will be started
  • A paid GSO Literature position is available. Ben will get the link about requirements for the
  • GSO declined the offer of the loan of the early version of the marked up Big
  • ICYPAA is ten days August 30-September 2. Check out the website.

WAIA Report – Margaret

  • There was no meeting in August

H&I Report – Elaine P.

Via Email – There is no news to report concerning H & I this month. Elaine plans to attend the current H & I meetings during August-September to get a feel for them and to speak with those conducting the meetings.

Supplies – Sharon

Via John – Supplies are stocked. AC filters need to be changed every three months.

Chips & Literature – Clark

The chips and literature are all stocked. Getting WAIA Where and When literature.

Secretary Coordinator – Deanna

Nothing to report. Secretary positions for 8:30 p.m. Monday and 5:30 Saturday are open.

Website – John R.

All is well with the website. John sent the 12 page website report. Events listed in our website are mirrored on WAIA website.

12-Step Chair – Brien B.  

The WAIA plan for 12 steps calls didn’t come to fruition. Brien will talk with WAIA about what is happening in this area. A question was raised if the WAIA doesn’t have this program does L.R. need a 12-step chair. It was decided that we will continue to have this position on the board.

Secretary Business

The OPEN/CLOSED meeting card should be read at all meetings.

Old Business

  • It was decided we will get 10 cases of bottled water for the
  • A suggestion was made that a committee be formed to organize the details of the picnic.
  • A motion was made and carried for John to consult with David M about the details of how the picnic has been handled in the
  • Nancy will develop a sign-up sheet for food and volunteers. Tony volunteered to help with set-up and Brien volunteered to help with clean-up.
  • The draft of the picnic flyer was distributed. Jeanne will finalize the flyer and get it to John R.

New Business

A recommendation and offer was made to paint the room to clean it up. It could be done on a Sunday after 5:30 p.m. John or David will talk to the landlord about this. Elaine made a motion for Matt to begin the process of determining cost and suggesting colors. He will bring color swatches to the next meeting. The motion carried.

Ernie will be contacted about replacing the carpet. He has offered to spot clean the carpet in the meantime.

Nancy would like to update the Laurel Recovery Group Policies and asked the Steering Committee for their approval to update and bring the changes to the group. The last update was in 2013. Nancy will check with Karen C. as she has done the updates in the past and will begin to update the policies.

The meeting was adjourned.

NEXT MEETING WILL BE September 15, 2018


Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee August 18, 2018

Laurel Recovery Min 7.21.18

Attendees: John R., Nettie T, Jeanne O., Tony C., Margaret M., Elaine P., David M., Jim S., Deanna C., Lynnell M., Sharron O., Nancy A.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Actions items:

  • John R will contact Susan from the Rock Bottom Group to ask about the funds they promised Laurel
  • Lynnell will ask the landlord if he would agree to an electronic transfer method of paying the
  • Lynnell will transfer $1,200 from checking to savings to repay the savings account that
  • Nancy will write a letter to Post Office to give Lynnell authority for the post office
  • Jeanne O will make a flyer for the September

Chairs Report – John R. –

Nancy completed the Accessibility survey by WAIA.

Rebecca will not be the H&I chair. Kerry was interested but was not present at the meeting. Elaine P. Volunteered and was voted as H&I chair.

The distribution lists were created.

The Language of the Heart Woman’s conference was put on the website. The June minutes were approved as written.

Vice Chair’s Report —

Nothing to report

 Treasurer’s Report –

There has been an issue paying the rent. The post office has been returning our disbursements. The landlord said he’d pick up the rent and we will tack it to the bulletin board for him. A motion was made to check to see if the landlord would agree to electronic transfer or some other electronic method of receiving the rent. Motion passed. Lynnell will handle it.

Sometime in the past, LR borrowed $1,200 from savings because it was needed to pay bills. In a previous meeting the group approved returning that money to the savings account. Now that the checking account has enough money to handle bills, the $1,200 will be returned to savings.

The Rock Bottom group has not paid Laurel Recovery for their share of the dance. John will contact Susan from Rock Bottom to ask about it.

Sharron suggested that all documents be updated to ensure the names are current on those documents. It was revealed the liability insurance, electricity, Verizon and the lease is in the name of Laurel Recovery.

Nancy and Lynnell will get together to write a letter to the Post Office to make Lynnell the authority for the post office box.

The treasurer’s accounting was sent via email and is made a part of these minutes. The report was approved.

GSR Report – No meeting – No report

WAIA Report – Margaret

  • WAIA needs volunteers for at the
  • New where and whens are coming out
  • End of

H&I Report – Elaine P.

Elaine P. Was voted in as H&I Chair.

Supplies – Sharron O.

Supplies are stocked. The question was raised who bought filters for the AC unit. Sharon will get the size and will purchase the filters for the unit. John will change them.

Chips & Literature – Clark H.

The chips and literature are all stocked. Need to purchase more big books and Clark will purchase a case. Elaine did a quick accounting about how many sold and how many given free. There were 20 big books distributed since last February.

Secretary Coordinator – Deanna.

Nothing to report. Deanna announced she has heard compliments about our website that it is excellent and has lots of good resources.

Website – John R.

All is well with the website. The new URL is

12-Step Chair – Brien B. Not present –

Brien has not heard from WAIA. He is prepared to go forward if he hears from them.

Secretary Business

The noon Saturday meeting needs a chair. Mary R. Has volunteered.

Old Business

  • We will start announcing the picnic at meetings in August. Jeanne O was asked to produce a flyer for the picnic

New Business

The question was raised about what should be done when a meeting doesn’t have enough supplies to make coffee. Three times recently the 9am Sunday meeting didn’t have coffee or sugar available for the meeting and none of the designated combination holders were available. It was decided that John or Sharron would make sure there is an extra can of coffee and extra supplies in the black cabinet before meetings.

Lynnell suggested that chain of command should be called when there are issues about Laurel Recovery. The chain of command is listed on the black board of names and numbers.

David M handles the building and anything that might need repair as well as negotiating with the landlord.

Jim S asked if someone who attends the 9am Sunday morning meeting could have the combination to the closet so supplies can be accessed when there is none for the meeting. He suggested someone who is on the Steering Committee or someone who has been involved with Laurel Recovery for a long time, like John K have the combo. John R emphatically said “no” and there was no further discussion. The meeting was adjourned

NEXT MEETING WILL BE August 18, 2018.


Minutes to be Approved by the Steering Committee July 21, 2018

Laurel Recovery Min 6.16.18


Ben G., Tony C., John R., John K., Nancy A., Teri F., Jim S., Kyle C.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Actions items:

  • John R will send Nancy the link for the Accessibility survey by
  • Nancy will respond to the survey for Accessibility and report back to the group.
  • John R will contact Rebecca to see if she wants to continue as H&I
  • Two distributions lists will be created. One will be the core committee members and one will be the attendees to the
  • John R will put the Language of the Heart Woman’s conference in the Laurel Recovery


Chairs Report – John R. – The May minutes were approved as written.


Vice Chair’s Report — It was suggested that the core Steering Committee members have the closet combination. There are times when the black cabinet is out of supplies and no one is available to access the extra supplies. John R. is often at Laurel Recovery and will take the responsibility to monitor the coffee and supplies so there will be enough for the next meetings. It was decided that the people who currently have the combination will be the ones who maintain the combination – Clark, Sharron, David, Lynnell, Nancy and John R. All present agreed on this resolution.


Treasurer’s Report – The March, April and May treasurer’s reports had been distributed via email. The treasurers reports were approved by unanimous vote.


John K gave a report on the dance. The tickets sales totaled $2,378. The total cost of the dance was $3,399. The deficit of $1021 will be split between Rock Bottom group and Laurel Recovery. Rock Bottom group will be giving us $510.50


GSR Report – Ben G.

  • WAGSA is creating an area newsletter for groups to stay connected and to provide Ben distributed the motion to crate the newsletter and the criteria for it.
  • Ben gave the Secretary the GSR Kit for the records and the 2017 annual
  • The General Service Assembly will be at Holy Cross. The delegate is reporting for theGSO
  • Fall assembly elections will be held October 20 at 10:00 a.m. at Holy
  • The Gratitude Breakfast will be 18 at the College Park Marriott.
  • The Greenbelt Step Club anniversary meeting will be June 30 from 6pm to
  • There will be no WAGSA in


Go to the website to volunteer or sign up for the for ICYPAA which will be held at the Baltimore Hilton from August 30-Sept. 2, 2018.


WAIA Report – Ben G.

  • Saturday morning Step Group Breakfast and meeting will be held on July 28 in C.
  • WAIA requested each group respond to a survey about accessibility for special John R has no interest in responding to the survey and Nancy volunteered. He will send Nancy the link so she can respond.


H&I Report – Rebecca Not present – John announced that Rebecca has not attended the Steering Committee meetings for more than three meetings. John will call Rebecca to see if she is still interested in being on the Steering Committee. If she is not, a notice will be put in the book making an announcement for another H & I Chair.


Supplies – Sharron O. Not present

Supplies are good and stocked.


Chips & Literature – Clark H. Not present. The chips and literature are all stocked. He is going to check to insure we have all chips.


Secretary Coordinator – Deanna Not present – All the meetings are filled. One meeting was changed to a “Came to Believe” meeting by group conscience.


Website – John R.

All is well with the website. A report was electronically sent to all members and will be attached to the minutes. There have been a lot of hits this month probably due to Sessions.


12-Step Chair – Brien B. Not present – Brien has not heard from WAIA. He is prepared to go forward if he hears from them.


Old Business

  • Inventory was reviewed and all books replaced
  • Nancy will complete the temp sponsor lists as quickly as
  • John K has reserved the Laurel Lakes pavilion for September 22 from 10am to 5pm for the Laurel Recovery picnic. John R will be responsible for the key to the pavilion. Parking will be down the hill, bathrooms will be locked. There will be paddle boats available to rent. Nancy made a motion that we have a speaker at the end of the picnic to provide a meeting for the picnic. There was discussion about this and the motion did not


New Business

Nancy announced the AA International Woman’s Conference “Language of the Heart” will be held in Los Angeles from Feb. 7-10, 2019. She has flyers if anyone is interested. The website is She asked if this information could be put on the Laurel Recovery website and John R will put it in.


Kyle and Teri are meeting secretaries attending the Steering Committee. The question was raised about why are secretaries encouraged to attend the meeting. A decision was made to provide time for secretaries to bring any individual meeting business to the committee and those issues will be put into the minutes.


Nancy asked about the distribution list for the Laurel Recovery minutes. Since different people attend each meeting, she was not sure who should be getting the minutes each month. A motion was made that two lists be created. One list will have the core committee members and the other list will be other attendees and will be continuing with new additions added to this list. The motion carried.




The meeting was adjourned.