The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
All posts by Laurel Recovery
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee August 17, 2019
Steering Cmte Minutes July 19 2019
Attendees: Nancy A., John R., Marta C., Margaret M., Larry L., Julia H., Jerry D., Mike N., Jessica C., Theresa O.
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.
Action Items
John R.will recommend to Barrett to contact WAIA for recommendation of an H&I commitment for Laurel Recovery.
Chair’s Report — Motion was made by John R. to accept the June minutes as written. Motion was seconded by Margaret and unanimously passed.
Marta was asked to research prices for buying paper cups instead of styrofoam cups. Laurel Recovery will not buy paper cups due to the cost. No report was given.
The dance went well. Laurel Recovery had to pay $900 to support the dance. John suggested that we might need to charge more per ticket or do something else to supplement the cost of the dance.
The picnic will be held on September 21, 2019 at Laurel Lakes.
Vice Chair’s Report — No Report
Treasurer’s Report – No Report
Checks were distributed to Marta, Larry and Mike.
GSR Report – No report
WAIA Report – Margaret M.
Margaret attended the July meeting and will put minutes on the WAIA bulletin board. .
- The newsletter “The New Reporter” needs support of
- The Tech Committee has implemented a new program for non-profits.
- The Finance Committee is discussing next year’s
- The Accessibility Committee is introducing a Big Book Video for ASL needs. Anyone interested, they are making the video available on August
- The Archives Committee is making MP3’s from
- The H & I Committee announced there is service
- There will be a Sponsorship Conference on Sept 14th from 8am-6pm in Tacoma
- There will be an Old Tier’s Day on November 8, 2019
- There will be a Gratitude Breakfast on November 17, from 8-11am in Tacoma
H&I Report – No Report
John R will talk with Barrett to contact WAIA about service commitments that Laurel Recovery might be able to tap into.
Supplies – Marta C.
Supplies are good. Two of each creamer and sugar containers are in the black cabinet.
Secretary Coordinator – No Report
The number of visits are higher in June and there were 31 hits for Sessions registrations.
12-Step Chair
Brien sent the 12-step list to WAIA. They have been sending out emails to those on the list. They are checking with each person to see if they want to be available for the Gateway project.
Secretaries – No Report
New Business
Theresa is putting on a Sponsorship Workshop on July 27th at 10:30 a.m. She will have four panelists and Margaret was suggested as the fourth. The topics will be as follows:
- Am I Good Enough to be a Sponsor?
- Setting Boundaries.
- How to explain the AA program to your
- How do I know if the time is right to sponsor?
John R. Has put together a “how to” for the dance and the picnic which will allow other people to put on these events.
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee July 20, 2019
Steering Committe Minutes June 15 2019
Attendees: Nancy A., John R., Nettie T.,Jeanne O., Brien B., Julia H., Deanna C., Earl H., Wayne M., Theresa O.D., Lynnell M., Stacey R., Jessica C., Jerry D.
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.
Action Items
• Marta will be asked to research prices for buying paper cups instead of styrofoam cups for Laurel Recovery.
• Jessica will organize a Sponsorship Workshop on July 27, 2019.
• John will approach Laurel Lakes to see if Sept. 21 or 28th is available for a Laurel Recovery picnic and will get the permit when the date is set.
Chair’s Report — Motion was made to accept the April minutes as written. Motion was seconded and unanimously passed.
Dance: Tickets for the dance are selling. Orders for dinners will be accepted through June 26th. Ticket sales are low. There will be a 50/50 and a countdown. Volunteers are needed. The raffle will have three winners. 3rd place raffle will be the book Stools & Bottles, 2nd place raffle will be Twenty-Four Hours A Day book, and first place will be half of the money collected. There will be bottled water, canned sodas and coffee.
Back to Basics in May was a success.
The Laurel Recovery room has been painted and it looks clean and fresh.
Vice Chair’s Report — No Report
Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.
Laurel Recovery is doing very well financially. We paid $1,500 for the painting. Contributions are up. The Fire Marshall inspected in April and after repairs were made, we passed inspection. The landlord deducted the cost of repairs from the rent. Rock Bottom group gave L.R. $900. The Treasurers report for April and May was submitted. A motion was made to accept, motion seconded and unanimously carried to accept the Treasurer Reports.
GSR Report – No report
WAIA Report – Margaret M.
Margaret did not attend the WAIA meeting so had no report. Minutes for that meeting will be posted on line.
June 2019 WAIA Meeting Minutes
H&I Report – No Report
Barrett is working on finding an H & I commitment for L.R.
Supplies – No Report
Someone suggested that we provide an extra canister of creamer and sugar in the cabinet so the meetings can have enough available. The supplies person will be sure to provide that.
Secretary Coordinator – Deanna C.
Bruce is going to be co-secretary with Diana at the 5:30 Saturday meeting.
We have had 808 visitors this month. Most hits have been on Sessions, the Dance, the Meeting Schedule and putting their dinner choices.
12-Step Chair
There is a new program called Bridging the Gap through WAIA. When people are released from rehab, people who are interested will meet them on their first day out. The people who provided their names to do 12-step calls are being asked to participate in Bridging the Gap. Carrie at WAIA will contact everyone who provided their names to see if they are interested. The person can decline if they choose to. In the email people will receive, the responsibilities will be spelled out.
New Business
There was discussion about using paper cups. This topic has been discussed in the past and L.R. never had the budget to buy the more expensive paper cups. Marta will be asked to research for prices for eco-friendly paper cups rather than styrofoam cups.
Jessica would like to have a Sponsorship workshop, which will acquaint people about the roles and responsibilities of sponsorship. We could have an overview with a panel of four people focusing on different area of sponsorship and then have a question and answer period. A motion was made and seconded that the sponsorship workshop take place on July 27, 2019 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. The motion carried.
Nancy made an announcement that she is not continuing as Secretary next year. She has new service commitments that will take a lot of her time, so she won’t be able to devote time to the Secretary commitment.
John would like Laurel Recovery to have a picnic. September 21 and 28th were suggested. The picnic was held at Laurel Lakes last year and it was a nice place. He will try to get it again and see which date is available. A motion was made for John to approach Laurel Lakes to see if Sept. 21 or 28th is available and he will get the permit when the date is set. The motion was seconded and carried.
The meeting adjourned.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
NEW REPORTER February 2019
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
NEW REPORTER January 2019
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee March 16, 2019
Steering Cmte Minutes JAN 2019
Attendees: John R., Sharron O., Lynnell M., Jeanne O., Matt H., John K., David M., Clark H.
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.
The November 17th minutes were reviewed and accepted as written.
Results of actions listed for this meeting:
- Per Barrett, ward no longer at Laurel Hospital so outreach closed
- Jessica checked homeless shelter at her church, no further visits requested by shelter inhabitants and nothing further planned [1]
- Books purchased but not many sold during holidays. Current book stock level is good [2]
Actions for next meeting:
- Still pending from November, Ernie will get prices for supplies to paint the Laurel Recovery
- [1] Barrett or Jessica check with other churches for outreach visits
- [2] David to update glass book price box
Chair’s Report — John R.
— Back to Basics – New class scheduled to be repeated in February, except Feb. 16 as conflicts with Steering Committee.
–To avoid upsetting the regularity of the BtB class, a motion was made to hold the BtB class at 10AM on Feb.16 and to move Steering Committee elections/meeting ahead to 9AM. Motion carried.
—[3]. Because the BtB class will be held bi-monthly, a motion was made to list it as an autonomous group. Motion carried, and John R is coordinator of the meeting.
Vice Chair’s Report — No Report
Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell
–Gave report. All good, full report to new Steering Committee to be made in February.
— Motion was made to remove announcement requesting larger donations and motion carried.
—-[5] Later questions regarding Hazelden return and monies and refund pending affecting December
GSR Report – No report
WAIA Report – 2019-01-WAIA-Board-Minutes-approved
H&I Report – No report.
Supplies – Sharron O.
– Supplies good.
— Laurel Recovery has new vacuum cleaner.
— Discussion re: cleaning of LRG room. [4]. Can be discussed by next steering committee.
Chips & Literature – Clark K.
— Most chips okay, will restock any low counts.
–Need more CAME TO BELIEVE, and have 12 on hand for meetings.
Secretary Coordinator – No report
Website – John R.
— Website is running smoothly.
New Business
New Business for NEW Steering Committee after February 16th election.
—[3].New Steering Committee can decide if move their meetings on BtB Saturdays—or all their meetings—to 9AM.
—[4].New Steering Committee can determine housekeeping plan for cleaning of Laurel Recovery.
1044 The meeting was adjourned.
NEW REPORTER December 2018
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.