The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
All posts by Laurel Recovery
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
NEW REPORTER February 2020
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee February 15, 2020
Attendees: Nancy A., Joan B., Larry L., Diana K., Marta C., Jeanne O., Rebecca J., Matt H., Deanna C., Theresa O., Margaret M., Lynnell M., John R.
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.
Minutes approved A motion was made to approve the November minutes. The minutes were approved.
Action Items
- John R. Will send Barrett G an email to check out the minutes regarding H&I opportunities.
- Increase book supply from 12-15 books.
- The budget for 2020 will be presented at the February meeting.
- David M. Will talk to the landlord about the back window that won’t open.
Chair’s Report — John R.
- The special Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s meetings were well attended.
- A web poll was taken regarding the closing prayer. It was suggested using an AA literature based prayer rather than the Lord’s prayer. There was strong opposition to that, so nothing will change.
- The banister in the stairway has been fixed.
- Cakes for 1 yr anniversaries has been received well. Lynnell continues to purchase the cakes.
Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry
No Report
Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.
- Lynnell reviewed the November report with the group. A motion was made to accept the report. Motion carried.
- Lynnell reviewed the December report with the group. A motion was made to accept the report. Motion carried.
- Lynnell reviewed the entire 2019 budget and expenses with the group.
- BGE comparisons have improved because the new landlord made improvements to the HVAC in 2019.
- A budget will be presented in February for 2020.
- LR expenses stayed on budget for 2019.
GSR Report – No GSR rep, no report
WAIA Report – Margaret
• There are calls for service. Committees need support.
• More 12-step people are needed in PG county.
• The gala will be held June 6, 2020.
• The Bridging the Gap program needs help.
• John R. Will send Barrett G an email to check out the minutes regarding H&I opportunities.
H&I Report – Barrett G.
- Barrett emailed report
- Hope House commitment going well
Supplies – Marta C.
Supplies are good – fully stocked.
Chips & Literature – Larry & Mike
- Literature is needed.
- A member donated 20 “Where and Whens” for newcomers.
- Books for literature meeting are needed. A motion was made and carried to increase our book supply from 12-15 due to larger meeting
Secretary Coordinator – Deanna
- All is okay.
Website — John R.
12-Step Chair — Brian B.
- No new news from WAIA on 12 Step referrals
Secretaries –
Ernie said when he arrived last night, he found faucet was left running in bathroom.
New Business —
- Rebecca suggested that instead of just saying “Read the Big Books, it is the basic text of our program” at the beginning of meetings, that we add “which is available in audio and other formats”. A motion was made and carried that we add this language.
- Matt asked that we change the wording at the beginning of meetings from, “For the comfort of all, please refrain from profanity” to simply “please don’t use profanity.” A motion was made and carried to change the wording to “please refrain from profanity.”
- The window which is supposed to be used in case of fire has been broken and will not open. Lynnell will notify David M. and he will talk to the landlord about this.
- Diana asked if we could have a “sober activities group”. Events could be planned monthly which might include board games, mini-golf. She would coordinate and create flyers. There was discussion about whether she needs to ask for permission each event, or to report back to the Steering Committee, and it was decided she doesn’t. She could notify the Steering Committee at some point if they were received positively and well attended. There was a question as to whether this was against the 6th tradition but it was consensus of the group that this was not. The events will not be announced at the beginning of the meeting, but flyers will be placed on tables.
- Elections are open at Laurel Recovery for the next year. The job descriptions are on the black cabinets so anyone interested can fill in their name next to the position.
The meeting was adjourned.