April 15, 2017

Laurel Recovery Min 4.15.17

Nancy A.
Joshua M.
John K.
Jeanne O.
Clark H.
Kate B.
Tony C.
Lynnell M.
John R.
David M.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Minutes were reviewed and accepted as written.

Actions for next meeting:

  • Nancy A. will make a notice for the book requesting an H & I Representative.
  • Clark will evaluate the inventory from last year based on Elaine’s inventory reports.
  • Jeanne will copy the “How it Works” front and back for the newcomer packets.
  • Jeanne will create a sheet for all meetings identifying each meetings term limits based
    on their group conscience and who is in the secretary position and how long they have
    been in that position.

Chairs Report – David M. – No Report

Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry D. – No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell gave the March report. Nancy made a motion that the
budget be accepted as written, David seconded and report was accepted.

GSR Report – No Report

WAIA Report – No Report

H&I Report – We would like to find someone who can do the H & I commitment. The
hospital is in negotiations with Kaiser Permanente so things may change there for our
meetings. It was suggested that an announcement be made at the meetings requesting
someone for this position. Nancy will make a notice for the book.

Supplies – Josh M. – No Report

Chips & Literature – Clark H.
Pamphlets are needed for the Newcomers Packet. Packets will include:
• Where and When
• How it Works – Jeanne will get these copied
• Questions and Answers on Sponsorship
• Newcomer Asks

Also, the issue was raised about whether we should hand out the small big books to
newcomers vs the regular big book. It was decided to do an inventory of the Big Books.
Nancy made a motion to evaluate the inventory for the past year with Elaine’s list of
books purchased, Lynnell seconded, the motion passed.

Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O.
Jeanne spoke about the different positions that are needed. She asked if there were
secretary guidelines and was told the guidelines are in the book. All secretaries are
encouraged to read those guidelines.

Jeanne wants to find out what are the term limits for secretary positions at each
meeting. She will create a list to have at all meetings asking how long the secretary has
been in the position and what the group conscience has decided for the term limit of the
secretary. Every group should have their own group conscience to determine how they
will run their meeting.

Website – John R.
Website is running smoothly. John put Sandy Beech on the website.

Old Business
The committee decided that we cannot fund a new location at this time. Clark will talk
with Roberto and let him know we cannot fund his location at this time.

New Business
A cleaning committee was formed and cleaned Laurel Recovery from top to bottom. A
huge THANK YOU to the following people who volunteered to do this…. Marta, Ben,
Taylor, Elaine, Julie, Alazsha, Kate and Lynnell.

We are being encouraged to use mugs rather than the disposable cups when drinking
our coffee at meetings. Mugs have been donated and are available.

Kate has a mirror which will be hung in the bathroom.

The meeting was adjourned.