Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Meeting
August 20, 2016
Call to Order
- The meeting was held at Laurel Recovery on Saturday 8/20/16.
- David called the meeting to order at 10:03am. He read the 8th tradition, followed by a moment of silence and then the serenity prayer.
Approval of Minutes
- The minutes from June 18, 2016 were reviewed
- Margret made a motion to approve the minutes. John & Marta 2nd the motion. All approved.
Chair’s Report {David M.}
- Nothing to report.
Vice- Chair’s Report {Nettie T.}
- Nothing to report.
Treasure’s Report { Lynnell M.}
- Laurel recovery finical report was distributed and reviewed by all.
- John made the motion, David second the motion and all approved.
GSR {Tony C.}
- Nothing to report.
WAIA {Margaret M.}
- There was no WAIA meeting held this month. Nothing to report.
Hospital & Institution’s {Mike P.}
- Nothing to report.
Supplies {David M.}
- We are out of Candy and Splenda but everything else is handled.
Chips {}
- We are stocked up om chips for a while.
Literature { Elanie P.}
- She will be placing an order for more literature.
Secretary Coordinator (Asan K.)
- Everything is going good.
Old Business
- Beginners packets can be ordered instead of being put together by Laurel Recovery.
- Jennie does not want to reinvent the packet but she will fix up some envelopes for the beginner packets.
- John suggested getting the price on the beginner packets 1st then we can decide.
- Telephone issue has been resolved per Tony C.
New Business
- Locks were changed and all secretaries were issued new keys.
- Code to the closet has been changed and David, John and Earl have the code if something is needed.
- Cabinet code has been changed and given to all secretaries.
- All Secretary’s should leave the room clean and ready for the next meeting. Make sure to drop off the deposit and turn off lights, fans, etc and lock up. (both locks on the room door)
- John needs to be reimbursed for the fans. David made the motion and Elaine second.
- Tony made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:40am. David second the motion. Meeting ended with the Lord’s Prayer.