Agenda: Steering Committee Monthly Meeting
The meeting was called to order at: 10:01 a.m., opened with the Serenity Prayer
Attendees: Suzy Q., John R., Nettie T., Jeanne O’, Shawn G., Vincent C., Matthew H., Jay F., Kari K., Drew, and Susan Mc.
Approval of Meeting Minutes from October 19, 2024 :Motion was made by Shawn G. to accept the meeting minutes from November 16, 2024, seconded by John R., and the minutes were accepted by the Steering Committee..
Chairperson–Suzy Q
- Looking forward to the new elections and ask that the information and list be posted earlier than in the past year in order to give volunteers time to sign up.
- Let’s roll up our sleeves and think of ways to improve.
- Would like to propose that we add an Events Coordinator to our elected steering committee member list so that going forward, that type of activity would be anticipated, planned and organized for Laurel Recovery Group.
- Request that the steering committee meetings be conducted in an orderly, polite manner—no interruptions, rudeness, etc.
- Would like LRG to develop a Procedure/Planning Calendar for the next Steering Committee. It would show upcoming events and dates and would also flag when preparatory actions would need to be implemented and completed. LRG SC secretary will develop a draft for the January meeting,
- Motion made and passed that effective 2025, Events Coordinator will be added to the Steering Committee list.
- Motion made and passed that the February 2026 elections list will be posted on around January 4, 2025— 6 weeks before the February 15th elections (voting to be on February 14th if we follow the same pattern from the last 2 years). The list will be posted by the steering committee secretary, Jeanne O.
- Motion made that in future years (2026 and forward) the Steering Committee will hold the annual election in January of the year instead of in February. Motion passed. Effective 2026, elections will be held in January of the year.
Vice Chairperson-Selena – Not present
- No report
Treasurer Report: Jay F
Jay F. presented the November 2024 report.
- Discussion about high BGE bill. Jay will get BGE bills from Lisa and shop another provider (Direct Energy, etc.).
- A motion was made by Jeanne O’ to accept the Treasurer’s Report from November 2024, seconded by Shawn G., and the November 2024 Treasurer’s Report was accepted by the Steering Committee.
- Per Suzy, the Tuesday 50/50 raffle is going well, and we may want to implement it on another evening as well. Estimate $160 income for LRG per month.
General Services Rep (GSR) Report— No GSR, report presented by Jeanne O’:
- Area 13 Panel 75 (2025-2026) will begin in January. It would be good to have the new Laurel Recovery GSR begin the 2-year commitment at the same time Panel 75 begins its 2-year commitment.
- Jeanne will forward WAGSA contribution form to Jay. He will research and make 2024 contributions to GSO, WAIA and WAGSA based on formula used by LRG in the past.
- LRG member Jeanne O’ will be the Area 13 Panel 75 Registrar
Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Report–Lisa M. Not present
- WAIA report is on the website.
Hospitals & Institutions Report:
- Shawn G. continues to facilitate visits to Howard County Hospital two Wednesdays per month. 3 participants have come to Laurel Recovery in person—one has become a volunteer; and 2 have joined the LRG online group
- Jess continues to facilitate contact with Jennifer Road.
- Jay F. continues to facilitate contact with Ordinance Road.
Chips–Vincent C.
- Has added 125 24-hours chips, 50 1-month chips, and 25 6-month chips.
Publications Report–Jeff K. not present
- Suzy will ask Jeff to order the Plain Language Big Book for LRG to have in stock.
Supplies–report for Jess by Shawn
- The supplies are good.
Secretary Coordinator–Shawn G.
- Meetings are good.
- The recently-broken lock on the inner door has been replaced by Drew, is coded to the same key.
- Will again put new verbiage agreed upon at last SC meeting about signing court slips into the Secretary’s Handbook.
- After its reading, a motion was made by Jeanne O’, seconded by Kari K., and passed by the steering committee to accept new AI-language AA safety statement be put in the Secretary Handbook as LRG statement, still indicated as an option for the meeting secretary to read.
- Jeanne O’ – Virtual Meeting Coordinator
- Sunday 5:30 online LIVING SOBER meeting’s last day was December 15. Closed by due process of group conscience.
Website–John R.All is well.
Old Business:
New Business:
- Does fire exit work? There is a Use and Occupancy certificate on the wall.
- A 5:30 PM meeting secretary asked SC how to deal with disruptive member who has outbursts, and yells insults. Secretary does not want to make bad situation worse, is concerned about impact especially on newcomers. Other comments about and experiences with the individual were expressed. The Steering Committee is scheduling a group conscience for all LRG members to discuss and decide how to deal with disruptive, verbally abusive and intimidating behavior that has affected the safe environment that Laurel Recovery endeavors to provide its members. The group conscience is scheduled for 6:45 PM on Tuesday, January 7th.**
The meeting was closed with the AA Responsibility Statement at est. 11:15 AM
Respectfully submitted, Jeanne O’
**correct provisional from Jan 17th to Jan 7th on 12-23-24 1517 hrs. jho