Agenda: Steering Committee Monthly Meeting
The meeting was called to order at: 10:01 a.m., opened with the Serenity Prayer
Attendees:Suzy Q., John R., Nettie T., Jeanne O’, Shawn G., Jeff K., Jay F., Lisa C., Marta C., Bryan G., Gianna, Julia H., and Brian D.
Approval of Meeting Minutes from January 18, 2025 : Motion was made by Lisa C. to accept the meeting minutes from January 18, 2025, seconded by Marta C., and the minutes were accepted by the Steering Committee..
Chairperson–Suzy Q
- I will be available to help and support the new steering committee during their transition this year.
Vice Chairperson-Selena – Not present
- No report
Treasurer Report: Jay F
Jay F. presented the January 2025 report.
Alternate Treasurer Lisa C. Report:
- BGE winter bill will be even larger than the summer bill; BGE is still thought to currently be the best provider for LRG
- Jeanne O’ made motion to accept January 2025 Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Shawn G. January 2025 Treasurer’s Report accepted by Steering Committee.
General Services Rep (GSR) Report— No GSR, report presented by Jeanne O’:
- Panel 75 met three times in DC in the past month. There was a meeting to discuss the budget, then a meeting to vote on the budget, and then a regular monthly meeting.
- There is discussion about holding a hybrid meeting, but meeting is currently in person only.
- 39 voters (no duplicate ip votes were counted)
- All of the self-volunteered individuals who were listed on the ballot were elected:
- Chair, Brian D.
- Co-chair, Matt H.
- GSR, Gianna
- H&I, Jaime I.
- Events Coordinator, Julia H.
- Publications/Literature, Jeff K.
- Supplies, Marta C.
- Chips, Kevin L.
- Secretary Coordinator, Shawn G.
- Virtual Meeting Coordinator, Jeanne O’
- No write-in names were received for the vacant positions.
Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Report–Lisa M. Not present
- WAIA report is on the website.
Hospitals & Institutions Report:
- Shawn G. continues to facilitate visits to Howard County Hospital two Wednesdays per month.
- Jay F. continues to facilitate contact with Ordinance Road.
- Jess R. continues to facilitate meetings with Jennifer Road.
- Chips okay
Publications Report–Jeff K.
- Will be buying more pamphlets this month, including Q&A about Sponsorship
- Bought 12 copies of the Plain Language Big Book from WAIA. They are primarily for LRG to have a PLBB meeting, but can be sold. We will try to have books for both purposes (for the meeting and for resale) on hand.
Supplies–report for Jess by Shawn
- The task is being turned over to new supply person Marta.
- Concern regarding diminishing supply of paper towels, and the best storage plan.
- John R. gave supply closet lock code to new steering committee members.
Secretary Coordinator–Shawn G.
- All is well
- Friday 5:30 PM secretary is now in place.
- Later discussion regarding deposit slips revealed that there is ample supply currently on hand.
- Virtual Meeting Coordinator–Jeanne O’
- Two meetings have had group conscience meetings and there are now new Tuesday and Friday secretaries.
- A third meeting secretary will also rotate out soon.
- Zoom techs in short supply.
Website–John R.
- Has given full website access to all steering committee members so they can post their own events, etc.
Brian will get one-on-one historical information re: LRG lease status, etc. from the current people responsible.
New Business:
- Start a committee to revamp/decorate Laurel Recovery
- Look at the accessibility of Laurel Recovery Group, at maybe outreach to members. Gianna will work up some ideas and bring them to the next meeting.
The meeting was closed with the AA Responsibility Statement and the Serenity Prayer at est. 1050 AM
Respectfully submitted, Jeanne O’