Category Archives: Steering Committee Minutes


LRSteeringComMinutes_Dec 19 2020

Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee January 16, 2021

Attendees: Cal B., Jeanne O., Jerry D., John R., Joan B., Lisa C., Lynell M., Michigan Mike., Nettie T., Nikki S., Sharon C., Theresa O.C., Vincent C.

LR Steering Committee Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM with the Serenity Prayer.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the November 21, 2020 minutes. The minutes were approved. However prior to being approved a change was made to the New Business section of the November minutes as follows: Jeanne asked that the secretaries be able to announce that their meeting is open, to let participants know.

Chair’s Report — John R.

A Big Book Recovery Calculator was posted on the website – a sobriety or clean date calculator to determine how long a member has been clean and sober.

Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry
 No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.

  • A motion was made and seconded that LR approve the Treasurer Report.

GSR Report – Sharon C.

Nothing to report.


The position is still vacant.

 H&I Report – Michigan Mike

Weekly visits to facilities have been suspended.

Supplies – Marta C.

Nothing to report because although in-person meetings are held at LR supplies are not being used.

Chips & Literature – Nikki and Larry

  • LR has many chips due to the recent chip purchase.

Secretary Coordinator – Julia
John R. is filling in for Julia H. for the Sunday 5:30 PM Living Sober meeting. Julia H. will resume chairing the meeting when her schedule changes in January 2021.

Website — John R.

12-Step Chair — Brian B.

  • No Report

Secretaries –
No Report

New Business —
A motion was made and seconded that LR hold a meeting marathon on New Year’s Eve 2020. The meetings will run from 9:05 PM on 12/31/2020 until 1:00 AM 1/01/2021. Jeanne O. and Nikki S. will coordinate the booking of secretaries for the meetings.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:24 A.M.


LRSteeringComMinutes_Nov 21 2020

Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee December 19, 2020

Attendees: Cal B., Jeanne O., Jerry D., John R., Lisa C., Lynell M., Nettie T., Margaret F., Michigan Mike., Theresa O.C.,

LR Steering Committee Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM with the Serenity Prayer.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the October 17, 2020 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Chair’s Report — John R.

Thanksgiving day AA meeting marathon information was added on the website.

Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry
 No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.

  • LR does not currently have a lease with the landlord of the building, although one has been requested several times.
  • A motion was made and seconded that the first order of business for new LR Steering Committee in 2021 is to obtain a lease from the landlord.
  • 7th tradition contributions could be more forthcoming from members. Meeting secretaries should encourage members to contribute.
  • 7th tradition announcements can mention that contributions can be made to WAIA.
  • A motion was made and seconded that LR approve the Treasurer Report.

GSR Report – Sharon C.

Nothing to report.


November 2020 – Draft

The position is still vacant.

 H&I Report – Michigan Mike

Weekly visits to facilities have been suspended.

Supplies – Marta C.

Nothing to report because Laurel Recovery has been closed.

Chips & Literature – Nikki and Larry

  • LR has many chips due to the recent chip purchase.

Secretary Coordinator – Julia
Nothing to report.
Website — John R.

12-Step Chair — Brian B.

  • No Report

Secretaries –
No Report

New Business —
Jeanne asked that the secretaries be able to announce that their meeting is open, to let participants know.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 A.M.


LRSteeringComMinutes_Oct 17 2020

Minutes to be Approved by the Steering Committee November 21, 2020

Attendees: Cal B., Deanna C., Eddie P., Jeanne O., Jerry D., John K., John R., Lisa C., Lynell M., Nettie T., Nikki S., Margaret F., Margaret M., Michigan Mike., Theresa O.C., Vincent C.,

LR Steering Committee Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM with the Serenity Prayer.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the approve the September 19, 2020 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Chair’s Report — John R.

Rebecca J. is no longer the LR Chip Representative. A motion was made and seconded that Nikki S. serve as the new Chip Representative.

Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry
 No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.

  • LR is receiving both online and in-person contributions. Chips were purchased. A
    motion was made and seconded that LR approve the Treasurer Report.

GSR Report – Sharon C.

Nothing to report.


October 2020

The position is still vacant.

 H&I Report – Michigan Mike

Weekly visits to facilities have been suspended.

Supplies – Marta C.

Nothing to report because Laurel Recovery has been closed.

Chips & Literature – Rebecca and Larry

  • LR has many chips due to the recent chip purchase.

Secretary Coordinator – Julia

  • Meeting co-secretaries: Thursday 5:30 PM Big Book Theresa O.C. and Angela K. Tuesday 5:30 PM Speaker Sandra F.S and Brandon C.
  • In-person meetings meet six days a week at 12:00 PM. There are several newcomers and three Big Books have been handed out.
  • A motion was made and seconded that the noon in-person meetings not be announced and only shared via word of mouth and on the LR website.

Website — John R.

12-Step Chair — Brian B.

  • No Report

Secretaries –
No Report

New Business —

  • In-person chip giving ceremony – A motion was made and seconded that LR hold another chip-giving ceremony outdoors. The cake will have celebrants’ names and sobriety date listed on it.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:42 A.M.


LRSteeringComMinutes_Sept 19 2020

Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee October 17, 2020

Attendees: Cal B., Eddie P., Ginger J., Jeanne O., Jerry D., John K., John R, Lisa C., Lynell M., Nettie T., Teri F., Theresa O.C.

LR Steering Committee Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM with the Serenity Prayer.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the August 15, 2020 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Chair’s Report — John R.

Nothing to report.

Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry
 No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.

  • LR is receiving both online and in-person contributions.

GSR Report – Sharon C.

Nothing to report.


September 2020 – Draft

The position is still vacant.

 H&I Report – Michigan Mike

Weekly visits to facilities have been suspended.

Supplies – Marta C.

Nothing to report because Laurel Recovery has been closed.

Chips & Literature – Rebecca and Larry

  • September in-person outdoor chip ceremony was greatly enjoyed by all who attended. An inventory will be made to determine how many more chips are needed for those celebrating under a year. (Most of the chips picked up were in early recovery.)

Secretary Coordinator – Julia

  • No report because Secretary was not present.

Website — John R.

12-Step Chair — Brian B.

  • No Report

Secretaries –
No Report

New Business —

  • In-person chip giving ceremony – A motion was made and seconded that LR hold a second chip-giving ceremony outdoors and that chips also be sent to those unable to attend via mail. Rebecca J. will coordinate the logistics for the ceremony.
  • A motion was made and seconded that LR expand the in-person noon meetings to include Friday and Saturday. Eddie P. will find secretaries for those days. Meeting secretaries will be given control over the format and topic of their respective meeting so long as it is not overly redundant with the other existing meeting topics that LR offers.
  • A motion was made and seconded that LR’s in-person noon meetings will not be advertised on WhatsApp, the LR website, or WAIA, but rather be via word of mouth due to limited seating.
  • As in-person meetings expand, secretaries who are chairing online meetings that were in-person meetings before COVID-19 will not lose their positions once the rooms reopen permanently. The secretarial positions that are being formed are temporary due to COVID-19.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:36 A.M.


LRSteeringComReopenPlan_August 22 2020

Attendees:Brandon C., Cal B., Eddie P., Jay F., Jeanne O., Jerry D., John R, Lisa C., Loida B., Lynell M., Margaret F., Margaret M., Nettie T., Sabrina S., Theresa O.C.

LR Steering Committee Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM with the Serenity Prayer.

A special steering committee meeting was held on Saturday, August 22, 2020 to discuss reopening Laurel Recovery (LR) and hold in-person meetings at noon on Monday and Wednesday only. Members voted on the following points:

  1. A no-contact thermometer will be used in order to take the temperature of meeting attendees as they enter.
  2.  The no-contact thermometer will be locked in the front cabinet. Only meeting secretaries will have access to the cabinet.
  3.  Meeting secretaries will clean the room before and after the meeting, including the armchair rests and door knobs.
  4.  Masks must be worn at all times by all attendees even while speaking at the meeting. Masks will be available in case persons do not have any.
  5.  Meeting secretaries are the only ones who will handle 7th tradition contributions, vinyl gloves will be provided for that purpose.
  6.  Neither food nor drink (e.g. coffee and snacks) will be provided/shared during the meeting. If you want to drink or snack bring your own and it cannot be shared.
  7.  Meeting attendees will have to bring their own literature. The literature cabinet will be closed.
  8.  Chairs will be spaced according to social distancing guidelines of six feet. There will be no tables. Once chairs are placed, they cannot be moved.
  9.  Newcomers will be offered priority seating if the room is at capacity. Longstanding members will have to vacate their seats. Virtual meetings will be offered as a substitute.
  10. A contact list form will be provided to members to fill out for contact tracing purposes. The form will be voluntary. It will contain the date and time of the meeting and will be destroyed within two to three weeks as it will not be part of the permanent record. The contact list will be stored in the same cabinet as the no-contact thermometer. Hand sanitizer will be provided in proximation to the form.
  11. The 7th tradition basket will only be handled by the meeting secretary as previously stated and will be kept in a location easily accessible by all members. The basket will not be passed around as per tradition, rather, it will be kept in one location and members will drop money into the basket.
  12. Hand sanitizer will be readily available at all times as has been the tradition at LR.
  13. In-person noon meetings will be secretaried as follows: Monday – Eddie P. Wednesday – Loida B.

A motion was made and seconded to vote on the above-mentioned plan. The vote passed unanimously for the Monday and Wednesday noon in-person meetings to proceed. The votes were as follows:

Nettie T. YES
John R. YES
Cal B. YES
Eddie P. YES
Jeanne O. YES
Theresa O.C. YES
Margaret F. YES
Sabrina S. YES
Lisa C. YES
Jerry D. YES

A motion was made and seconded to approve Eddie P. making a second set of keys for Loida B. to secretary the Wednesday meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:51 A.M.


LRSteeringComMinutes_August 15 2020

Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee September 19, 2020

Attendees: Cal B., Eddie P., Jeanne O., Jerry D., John K., John R, John S., Lisa C., Lynell M., Margaret F., Michigan Mike, Mr. Anon., Nettie T., Stacey R., Theresa O.C., Vincent C.

LR Steering Committee Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM with the Serenity Prayer.

Minutes approved: A motion was made and seconded to approve the July 18, 2020 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Action Items

  • Eddie P. and Rebecca J. will report back to the LR Steering Committee with a plan to reopen Monday and Wednesday noon in-person meetings on August 22.
  • LR Steering Committee will meet on August 22 to discuss and vote on their plan.
  • Two noon virtual meetings will be added to the website for Tuesday 12:00 P.M. and Thursday 12:00 P.M.

Chair’s Report — John R.

A survey was conducted among LR meeting secretaries to determine if they had sufficient administration and technical support. Respondents stated that assistance was sufficient and at the level needed.

Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry
 No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.

  • LR made its yearly contribution to WAIA, GSO & WAGSA. There has been a slight drop in 7th tradition contributions. A motion was made and seconded approving the Treasurer’s report.

GSR Report – Sharon C.

Nothing to report.

July 2020 – Draft
Minutes are posted on LR website. Margaret M. will no longer be listed as WAIA rep. The position is still vacant.

 H&I Report – Michigan Mike

Weekly visits to facilities have been suspended.

Supplies – Marta C.

Nothing to report because Laurel Recovery has been closed.

Chips & Literature – Rebecca and Larry

Nothing to report because Laurel Recovery has been closed.

Secretary Coordinator – Julia

  • Two meeting secretary positions rotated – Thursday 8:05 P.M. and the Friday 8:00 A.M.

Website — John R.

Secretaries are encouraged to check the meeting descriptions under their respective meetings and report back to Julia H. for any changes if needed.

12-Step Chair — Brian B.

  • No Report

Secretaries –
No Report

New Business —

  • In-person chip giving ceremony – A motion was made and seconded that LR hold a chip giving ceremony outdoors and that chips also be sent to those unable to attend via mail. Rebecca J. will coordinate the logistics for the ceremony.
  • Virtual Noon meetings Tuesday and Thursday – A motion was made and seconded that LR add two new zoom meetings at noon Tuesday and Thursday. The decision is in response to the lack of noon meetings on those days. A motion was made and seconded that the noon meetings be split. If the rooms reopen at noon there will always be a noon virtual meeting being held at the same time as the in-person meeting (each meeting will have a separate secretary).
  • Feedback to reopening meetings at LR – Feedback was provided to committee members from a 12-step group that reopened its doors in Hyattsville. At the meeting: members wear masks, use disposable gloves when reading literature, furniture is wiped after meetings, when at capacity doors are locked (has no yet happened), older members are attending the meetings, duct tape is used to indicate where chairs are placed according to social distancing guidelines, and contact list tracking is voluntary (we are anonymous).
  • Reopening & in-person meetings at LR – Based on feedback, LR would reconsider reopening noon and evening meetings first. Eddie. P will provide a plan regarding reopening Monday and Wednesday noon meetings on Saturday August 22.

The meeting was adjourned.



Minutes to be Approved by the Steering Committee August 15, 2020

Attendees: Cal B., Jay F., Jeanne O., Jerry D., John K., John R, Lynell M., Nettie T., Rebecca J., Sabrina S., Terri F., Theresa O.C.

LR Steering Committee Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM with the Serenity Prayer.

Minutes approved: A motion was made and seconded to approve the June 20, 2020 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Action Items

  • A motion was made and seconded for the LR Steering Committee to revisit the reopening of LR at the next Steering Committee meeting in July.
  •  Jay will report back next month regarding the reopening of SSRC.
  •  Marta C. will confer with Elaine regarding non-contact digital thermometers.
  •  Jeanne to contact Beltsville and 180 Club regarding reopening.
  •  Lynell to contact Common Solutions.

Chair’s Report — John R.

No Report. All is well with our virtual meetings.

Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry
 No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.

  • Marta C. purchased Personal Protective Equipment for LR. Laurel Recovery has received 7th tradition contributions, via check and online through Zelle, that have paid the utilities and rent. A motion was made and seconded approving the Treasurer’s report.

GSR Report – Sharon C.

Nothing to report.

WAIA Report – Margaret

 H&I Report – Michigan Mike

Weekly visits to facilities have been suspended.

Supplies – Marta C.

Nothing to report because Laurel Recovery has been closed.

Chips & Literature – Rebecca and Larry

Nothing to report because Laurel Recovery has been closed.

Secretary Coordinator – Julia

  • Nothing to report, all meetings covered.

Website — John R.

Meetings will now be called virtual versus Zoom, in accordance with AA’s sixth tradition (as per AA’s General Service office).

Women’s Sunday AA meeting is now listed with all login info on the LR

12-Step Chair — Brian B.

  • Individuals have reached out via our website for twelve-step calls.

Secretaries –
No Report

New Business —

  • Copy & paste in Zoom chat – A motion was made and seconded that the copy & paste feature not be included in LR’s Zoom meetings.
  •  LR seventh tradition contribution to AA’s GSO – A motion was made and seconded that LR increase its contributions to AA’s GSO. $900 (WAIA) $950 (GSO) $150 (WAGSA). The increase is in response to a video appeal by GSO that they are using their prudent reserves in order to continue daily operations. (Video Title on Vimeo “Alcoholics Anonymous, COVID-19 & Our Seventh Tradition”)
  •  Reopening of LR – Jay F. attended the meeting to share the reopening of South
    Shore Recovery Club (SSRC) in August. Due to being a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, SSRC was able to receive a donation to assist in updating the facility in preparation for reopening such as new furniture and repainting. SSRC will abide by all federal health guidelines. Members of the LR SC provided useful feedback that Jay will take back to SSRC.
  •  Back to Basics is being held in August for four consecutive weeks.

The meeting was adjourned.



Minutes to be Approved by the Steering Committee July 18, 2020

Attendees: Cal B., Margaret M., Sharon C., Theresa OC, Nikki S., Mike N., John R, John K. Jeanne O., Nettie T., Jerry D., Marta C., Elaine P., Brien B.

LR Steering Committee Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM with the Serenity Prayer.

Minutes approved: A motion was made and seconded to approve the May 16, 2020 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Chair’s Report — John R.

No Report

Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry
 No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.

  • • Laurel Recovery has received 7th tradition contributions, via check and online through Zelle, that have paid the rent.

GSR Report – Sharon C.

  • no report

WAIA Report – Margaret

 H&I Report – Michigan Mike

  • Weekly visits to facilities have been suspended.

Supplies – Marta C.

  • Nothing to report because Laurel Recovery has been closed.

Chips & Literature – Rebecca & Larry

  • Nothing to report because Laurel Recovery has been closed.

Secretary Coordinator – Julia

  • Nothing to report, all meetings covered.

Website — John R.

  • Website Stats for June 2020. Main page increased after daily meetings were posted directly on the homepage as well as on the meetings page, which is what WAIA has. Also please note after someone from GSO attended one of our Zoom meetings and mentioned that GSO thought ‘Zoom’ was an endorsement of outside AA, we changed our meetings to the suggested ‘Virtual’. That is why the below results mention both.

12-Step Chair — Brian B.

  • Individuals have reached out via our website for twelve-step calls.

Secretaries –
No Report

New Business —

  • Back to Basics is being held this month for four consecutive nights in a row. A new Zoom account was opened specifically for Back to Basics.
  • Chat has been set up for LR’s Zoom meetings. Due to popular demand the chat feature was added to each Zoom meeting. Through chat, members can reach out to newcomers, request sponsors, and post either announcements and or the seventh tradition contribution information.
  •  Reopening of LR. There was a long discussion regarding the reopening of the LR. Concerns were raised regarding the safety of some of our vulnerable members such as how would LR ensure maintaining the health guidelines: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), six-foot distance, a screening process, contact tracing and send reports to WAIA. Were LR to reopen there would be no coffee or snacks offered at meetings. Would LR provide masks and other safety equipment? What would the liability be for LR?
  • A motion was made and seconded to authorize Marta C. to purchase PPE, hand sanitizer, masks, inexpensive gloves and other items that would be needed to disinfect and prepare the room for reopening.
  • A motion was made and seconded for the LR Steering Committee to revisit the reopening of LR at the next Steering Committee meeting in July.

The meeting was adjourned.



Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee June 20, 2020

Attendees:Margaret M., Sharon C., Theresa OC, Scott S., Margaret, Nikki S., Sabrina, Mike N. (Michigan Mike), John R,  Jeanne, Nettie T., Jerry D.,

LR Steering Committee Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM with the Serenity Prayer.

Minutes approved: A motion was made and seconded to approve the April 18, 2020 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Chair’s Report — John R.

  • Laurel Recovery is still closed due to the Governor of Maryland’s executive order on COVID-19 that no more than ten people can congregate.

Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry
No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.

  • Laurel Recovery has received 7th tradition contributions via check and online.

GSR Report – Sharon C.

  • no report

WAIA Report – Margaret

 H&I Report – Michigan Mike

  • Weekly visits to facilities have been suspended.

Supplies – Marta C.

  • Nothing to report because Laurel Recovery has been closed.

Chips & Literature – Rebecca & Larry

  • Nothing to report because Laurel Recovery has been closed.

Secretary Coordinator – Julia

  • Nothing to report, all meetings covered.

Website — John R.

  • Meetings have been running on Zoom since March. There has been an increase in visitors to our website. The landing page is updated daily with the Zoom meetings ofthe day. A WhatsApp group was created for Laurel Recovery where meetings are posted daily and anniversaries of members are acknowledged.


12-Step Chair — Brian B.

  • Activities suspended.

Secretaries –
No Report

New Business —

  • A Joe & Charlie Meeting was added to the meeting roster to replace the Rock Bottom Group. It is held Sundays at 7PM.

The meeting was adjourned.


Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee May 16, 2020

Attendees:Bruce D., Cal B., Elaine P., Heather G., Jerry D., John R., Julia H., Margaret M., Mike N. (Michigan Mike), Sharon C., Theresa OC.

LR Steering Committee Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM with the Serenity Prayer.

Also posted on Whatts App so that everything that was discussed as far as voting etc. can be seen by all.
  • Voted No Chat. Discussion about whether to enable this feature, it was previously disabled.
  • Voted that meeting secretaries will begin to assume responsibility for meetings. Admin’s will be there to assist, then secretary will be made host and through individual group conscience can decide how to proceed with various in meeting settings.
  • Secretaries who still desire assistance on a case by case basis can work with the admin on the amount of assistance needed.

The links to all of the meeting hand-outs (How-it-Works, Traditions, Chips, Promises, Preamble, etc.) can be found on our website under

We have been up and running on Zoom for three weeks now and decisions were made quickly on the fly, decisions implemented based on research and experiences of other groups. There had been no formal Committee voting on any of the details as they were emerging quickly. The group tonight has decided that now that things are settled down, the individual meeting’s will take the lead with the Steering Committee no longer needing to be so heavily involved in the meeting operations.

It was also decided that we would continue to have our regular Steering Committee meetings on Zoom and that if a meeting was to be canceled 72 hours notice would try to be provided.

Admin is defined as a person who has the user login and password to the Zoom account. There are currently 3 John, Theresa and Jeanne. This needs to remain the same as the admin accounts should have limited access for security.

Host is defined as the secretary of the meeting.

Co-Host is defined as having similar permissions as the host for in meeting functions and monitoring and is also used to allow ‘friends of ours’ to mute and unmute themselves during a meeting to share or read.

The meeting was adjourned.