Category Archives: Steering Committee Minutes



MAY 20, 2017

May 20, 2017 minutes


Nancy A., John K., Jeanne O., Kate B., Lynnell M., John R., David M., Elaine P., Jerry D.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Minutes were reviewed and accepted as written.

Actions for next meeting:

  • Nancy A. will put an announcement in the book requesting a 12-step chair and to
    contact Lynnell for information.
  • Kate B. is the new H & I chair.
  • Jeanne will put a notice in the book asking the groups to have a group conscience to
    determine if anyone is interested in taking over secretary positions, if the position has
    been in longer than the time stated in the guidelines.
  • Kate will be determining a new date to clean Laurel Recovery and ask for volunteers.
    Elaine has agreed to update the glass cabinet with Tools of Recovery, updating the
    literature and prices.
  • Kate will present a proposal to the committee about having another dance.

Chairs Report – David M.

No Report

Vice Chair’s Report – Jerry D. 

No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell

Gave the April report. Nancy made a motion that the budget be accepted as written, Margaret seconded and report was accepted.

GSR Report

No Report

WAIA Report – Margaret M.

  • The WAIA needs volunteers to answer phones while people are on vacation. They also need a Finance Chair. There are also Executive Committee openings. Several locations need meetings for H&I. The new website has the ability to take online contributions. If anyone has volunteered to take the the calls on their cell phone, please put this number into your cell phone so you will know the call is coming from the WAIA hotline. 202-966-9782.
  • There is a new book called Making Amends available for $11.50. The gala was held but it had smaller attendance this year than in past years.
  • The WAIA is asking if a list be kept of 12-step volunteers in your area. They are asking for a group contact to organize a 12-step call list for each group. Since Laurel Recovery has so many groups, it would require someone to coordinate for L.R. A motion was made to create a new position on the board. This person would maintain a list of people willing to do 12 step calls with their numbers. Nancy will create an announcement page and Lynnell will talk to the interested people. Motion was seconded and passed.

H&I Report – Kate B.

Kate B. volunteered to be the H&I Chair. Lynnell made a motion to accept her as chair, John seconded and the motion passed.

Supplies – Josh M.

David M. gave report. All okay. Combination to supplies cabinet was changed. Coffee is disappearing fast. Please use one bag for coffee.

Chips & Literature – Clark H.

David M. gave report. All is well with chips and literature per Clark’s report. Pamphlets are needed for the newcomers packets. The How it Works page was copied by Jeanne and David.

Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O.

  • Jeanne reported she made five sets of keys. She has had to cover some secretaries at meetings this month. Keys were distributed to Marta, Jim S. and Quentin.
  • Jeanne presented a questionnaire that she would like the secretaries to complete. The group appreciated Jeanne’s work on the questionnaire, but decided not to use it.
  • The secretaries should be reading the guidelines, which states that the term limits for a secretary position is six months to one year. David made a motion seconded by John to request that groups have a group conscience to determine change in secretary position, if necessary.. The motion carried.

Website – John R.

Website is running smoothly.

Old Business

  • Sponsor List – Nancy will update the sponsor list and type up a new list to put on the

New Business

  • Kate will determine another day to clean Laurel Recovery and request participation from
    the groups.
  • Kate requested if the arm rails can be painted in the stairwell and was
    approved to do that.
  • Kate requested to close off the front corner with a curtain so the
    area is more enclosed and less cluttered and was approved to do that.
  • Kate will approach the steering Committee with a proposal about having a dance.
  • There was a request to change the wall cabinet to have pictures of people who are no
    longer with us but who were involved in Laurel Recovery for years. The response from
    the committee was negative. Elaine has agreed to update the cabinet with Tools of
    Recovery, current literature and prices.

The meeting was adjourned.



April 15, 2017

Laurel Recovery Min 4.15.17

Nancy A.
Joshua M.
John K.
Jeanne O.
Clark H.
Kate B.
Tony C.
Lynnell M.
John R.
David M.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Minutes were reviewed and accepted as written.

Actions for next meeting:

  • Nancy A. will make a notice for the book requesting an H & I Representative.
  • Clark will evaluate the inventory from last year based on Elaine’s inventory reports.
  • Jeanne will copy the “How it Works” front and back for the newcomer packets.
  • Jeanne will create a sheet for all meetings identifying each meetings term limits based
    on their group conscience and who is in the secretary position and how long they have
    been in that position.

Chairs Report – David M. – No Report

Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry D. – No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell gave the March report. Nancy made a motion that the
budget be accepted as written, David seconded and report was accepted.

GSR Report – No Report

WAIA Report – No Report

H&I Report – We would like to find someone who can do the H & I commitment. The
hospital is in negotiations with Kaiser Permanente so things may change there for our
meetings. It was suggested that an announcement be made at the meetings requesting
someone for this position. Nancy will make a notice for the book.

Supplies – Josh M. – No Report

Chips & Literature – Clark H.
Pamphlets are needed for the Newcomers Packet. Packets will include:
• Where and When
• How it Works – Jeanne will get these copied
• Questions and Answers on Sponsorship
• Newcomer Asks

Also, the issue was raised about whether we should hand out the small big books to
newcomers vs the regular big book. It was decided to do an inventory of the Big Books.
Nancy made a motion to evaluate the inventory for the past year with Elaine’s list of
books purchased, Lynnell seconded, the motion passed.

Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O.
Jeanne spoke about the different positions that are needed. She asked if there were
secretary guidelines and was told the guidelines are in the book. All secretaries are
encouraged to read those guidelines.

Jeanne wants to find out what are the term limits for secretary positions at each
meeting. She will create a list to have at all meetings asking how long the secretary has
been in the position and what the group conscience has decided for the term limit of the
secretary. Every group should have their own group conscience to determine how they
will run their meeting.

Website – John R.
Website is running smoothly. John put Sandy Beech on the website.

Old Business
The committee decided that we cannot fund a new location at this time. Clark will talk
with Roberto and let him know we cannot fund his location at this time.

New Business
A cleaning committee was formed and cleaned Laurel Recovery from top to bottom. A
huge THANK YOU to the following people who volunteered to do this…. Marta, Ben,
Taylor, Elaine, Julie, Alazsha, Kate and Lynnell.

We are being encouraged to use mugs rather than the disposable cups when drinking
our coffee at meetings. Mugs have been donated and are available.

Kate has a mirror which will be hung in the bathroom.

The meeting was adjourned.


Kate B.
David M.
Nettie T.
John R.
Margaret M.
Elaine P.
Ernie J.
Tim M.
Roberto V.
Jerry D.
Lynnell M.

Call to Order
The steering committee meeting was held at Laurel Recovery on Saturday 3/18/17.
The meeting was called to order by David M. at 10:08am. Followed by a moment of silence and the Serenity Prayer.
The 3rd tradition was also read which states that “the only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking”.

Approval of Minutes
The minutes from February 18, 2017 meeting were reviewed by the committee.
Lynnell made a motion to approve the minutes. Nettie second the motion and all approved.

Chair’s Report {David M.}
Had nothing to report.

Vice- Chair’s Report {Jerry D.}
Nothing to Report
Nettie also had nothing to report

Treasure’s Report { Lynnell M.}
Treasure`s report was send via e-mail to the steering committee.. Per Lynell no major changes to report.
Elaine motion to approve the treasures report. John second the motion. All approved.

GSR {.}
Not in attendance

WAIA {Margret M.}
Due to bad weather the WAIA meeting was cancelled. So she has nothing to report.

Hospital & Institution’s {Mike}
Not in attendance.
Per Nettie the hospital meeting has been cancelled until further notice due to renovation.

Supplies {Josh M.}
Not in attendance.

Chips & Literature {Clark}
Not in attendance

Secretary coordinator {Jeannie O}
Not in attendance.

Web Coordinator {John R.}
Per John all is good.
Margret requested to have Sandy Beach added to Laurel Recovery website. Elaine made a motion to approve. Jerry second the approval. All approved.
Over-all the website is doing great.

Old Business
There has been an on-going discussion to have “New Comer Packets” made for L.R new-comers Cost to order envelops would cost around $260. David had a stamp made that stamps “Laurel Recovery” to stamp the envelopes ourselves.

Total cost to make a “new-comer packet” should run about .50 cents each (includes envelope, brochures, How it Works + L.R Schedule)

Lynnell will ask Leanne if the Oxford house can print the copies of “How It Works” for the packets.

Elaine made motion to approve the new idea for the new comer packet + the stamp. John second the motion. All approved.

New Business
2019 our lease ends with the new landlord. A member Roberto B. Has a office building on Route one & Contee Road where he would like to have the meeting. Will hold off further talk regarding this when the time gets closer to the end of our lease.

Lynnell M. Made a suggestion to start encouraging everyone to use a coffee mug instead of the styrofoam cups each meeting.

We can ask people to bring in any extra coffee mugs they have.

Coffee maker position will also be the one who cleans the coffee mugs used after each meeting.

We will will ask Jeannie to see what the feedback is with the secretaries after each meeting.

Suggested to see how it goes and we can go from there to decided if it is something we will continue in the future.

Elaine made a motion to approve. Jerry second the motion. All approved.

We have many service positions available. A list of all service positions will be put on the website and all secretaries will be notified of each position to seek to people to cover positions available:
Coffee maker & coffee mug washer
Speaker seeker
After meeting clean-up

Nettie made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:12am. Jerry seconds the motion. Meeting ended with the Lord’s Prayer.



February 18, 2017

Laurel Recovery Min 2.18.17

Attendees: Nancy A., John K., Margaret M. Ernest J., Elaine P., Tony C., John R., David M., Nettie T., Josh M., Jeanne O, Roberto V., Clark H., Jerry D.

Elections were voted on and the slate of officers for 2017 are:

Chair – David M
Vice Chair – Jerry D.
Alternate Vice Chair – Nettie T.
Treasurer – Lynnell M.
Secretary – Nancy A
GSR – Not chosen
WAIA Rep – Margaret M.
H & I  – not chosen – Mike will be voted next month if he attends.
Literature and Chips – Clark H.
Supplies – Josh M.
Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O.
WebMaster – John R.

David called the meeting to order after the elections.

John R. will change the board at Laurel Recovery to reflect the new appointments.
John R. will connect the WAIA website with the Laurel Recovery website.
David will get a box of 500 envelopes and get them printed at an outside facility.
Committee was formed to see Roberto’s property.
Josh will research BB&T bank to see if they would provide us with free deposit slips.
Nancy and Lynnell will work on organizing the annual activities for Laurel Recovery.

Chairs Report – David M. – No Report

Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry D. – No Report

Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.
Lynnell gave the January report. She also reviewed last year’s expenses and income.
The group reviewed the budget established by Lynnell after the 2016 expenses were totaled. The proposed budget was submitted. Nancy made a motion that the budget be accepted as written, John R. seconded and the motion carried.

GSR Report – No Report

WAIA Report – Margaret M
Margaret brought information about what WAIA and WAGSA is about. She will post it on the board. She also submitted the minutes from the previous meeting and the bylaws. WAIA has hired an accountant to work on the sales tax issue.

WAIA needs volunteers for desk work, H&I commitments, a Chair for H&I, and other service opportunities. They have a Love and Service opportunity list on their website. Their new website is easy to use. The gala will be April 15, 2017 in Silver Spring. Tickets can be obtained through the website for $45.00. Nancy made a motion for
Laurel Recovery to link with the WAIA website so the information can be accessed through our website. John seconded and the motion carried.

Supplies – Josh M. – No Report

Chips & Literature – Elaine P./Clark H.
Nothing spent this month. Elaine gave her last report of inventory. Clark H. will be taking over for Elaine this year.

Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O. – No Report

Website – John R.
Website is running smoothly. The results of surveying the group about getting a microphone were negative.

Old Business
Newcomer Packets – David will get a box of 500 envelopes and will get them printed.

New Business
Building – The Laurel Recovery building was sold and so there is a new landlord. Our lease is valid until May 31, 2019. The landlord has agreed that he will keep us as the tenants and will continue doing business as we have done in the past.

Roberto V. is offering a building that he owns for a recovery club or facility for the price of taxes, condo fee and utilities. The building is on Contee Road and Route 1. A committee will be formed to look at the building. Roberto will be contacted and a date will be set to see this facility sometime after March 10 but before the next steering
committee meeting. Discussion will continue at the next meeting.

The committee will be made up of:
David M.
Jeanne O.
Nettie. T.
Lynnell M.
John K.
Ernie J.
Clark H.
Jerry D.
John R.


Josh brought up the electric bill and the issues around the inefficient air conditioning in the summer. This topic has been discussed by the Steering Committee at previous meetings.

Josh brought up the idea of changing banks so we are not charged for deposit tickets.
Josh will research BBT to see if we would get free deposit tickets. That would save Laurel Recovery $300 per year.

Lynnell recommended that we organize a list of our activities and when they happen, so we are not scrambling at the last minute to put together some of the Laurel Recovery activities. Nancy and Lynnell will work on this.

The meeting was adjourned.

Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Minutes Saturday 8/20/16


         Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Meeting

August 20, 2016

Call to Order

  • The meeting was held at Laurel Recovery on Saturday 8/20/16.
  • David called the meeting to order at 10:03am. He read the 8th tradition, followed by a moment of silence and then the serenity prayer.

Approval of Minutes

  • The minutes from June 18, 2016 were reviewed
  • Margret made a motion to approve the minutes. John & Marta 2nd the motion. All approved.

Chair’s Report {David M.}

  • Nothing to report.

Vice- Chair’s Report {Nettie T.}

  • Nothing to report.

Treasure’s Report { Lynnell M.}

  • Laurel recovery finical report was distributed and reviewed by all.
  • John made the motion, David second the motion and all approved.

GSR {Tony C.}

  • Nothing to report.


WAIA {Margaret M.}

  • There was no WAIA meeting held this month. Nothing to report.

Hospital & Institution’s {Mike P.}

  • Nothing to report.

Supplies {David M.}

  • We are out of Candy and Splenda but everything else is handled.

Chips {}

  • We are stocked up om chips for a while.

Literature { Elanie P.}  

  • She will be placing an order for more literature.

Secretary Coordinator (Asan K.)

  • Everything is going good.

Old Business

  • Beginners packets can be ordered instead of being put together by Laurel Recovery.
  • Jennie does not want to reinvent the packet but she will fix up some envelopes for the beginner packets.
  • John suggested getting the price on the beginner packets 1st then we can decide.
  • Telephone issue has been resolved per Tony C.

New Business


  • Locks were changed and all secretaries were issued new keys.
  • Code to the closet has been changed and David, John and Earl have the code if something is needed.
  • Cabinet code has been changed and given to all secretaries. 
  • All Secretary’s should leave the room clean and ready for the next meeting.  Make sure to drop off the deposit and turn off lights, fans, etc and lock up. (both locks on the room door)
  • John needs to be reimbursed for the fans. David made the motion and Elaine second.



  • Tony made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:40am.  David second the motion.  Meeting ended with the Lord’s Prayer.


Steering Committee Minutes June 18, 2016  in .pdf format

Attendees: Margaret, Tony, Kevin, Mike, John K., John R., Nettie,  Lynnell M., David M., Elaine P, Jeanne, Nancy A.

Call to Order:

David called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.



  • In July we will vote on the price comparison for the cups.  Kevin will give David the website.
  • It was suggested that we put anniversaries on the website and this will be decided at the next meeting
  • Jeanne will put together 50 newcomer packets.
  • A note will be put in the speakers book about the visiting delegate coming on 7/31/16 after the 9am meeting.
  • Will we put anniversaries on the website?


Chairs Report – David M. – No Report

Vice Chair Report – Nettie T.  – No report.

Treasurer’s Report – John K.

Lynnell distributed the Treasurer’s Report and it is made an attachment to these minutes.  The report was accepted as written.  

GSR Report – Tony

We don’t have a DCM so Tony will try to find a DCM (District Committee Member) from other groups.   An Area 13 Delegate will be at Laurel Recovery to give a report on July 31st after the 9:00 a.m. meeting to give a report about what is happening in the area.   A note will be put in the speakers book announcing this.

Washington Area Intergroup Report- Margaret

  • The committee  reports are on the WAIA website.
  • Desk spots are open for the desk downtown.  Contact WAIA for times and days.
  • WAIA is working on their website.
  • H & I positions are available – this is listed in the digital reporter.
  • WAIA has a Nightwatch service where they forward the phones to someone in the evening, so a drunk in need can speak to another drunk.
  • Needs volunteers for archive duty.  We can have our events archived if we want to.
  • Needs volunteers for health fairs and other festivals to sit at a table with public information.
  • The WAIA no longer has the money from the large bequest.  The judge ordered it returned.
  • First annual sex inventory workshop is open to women only will take place in the northern Virginia area.  Check out the WAIA website for day and time.

Hospital & Institutions –Mike

A script has been written for the hospital meeting identifying it as an open meeting.  Mike is covering for Nettie.  

Supplies – David

  • $250 was spent for supplies.  We are working on developing a supply budget by the end of the year.
  • Kevin researched cups.  He found a website where we can buy more ecologically sound cups for about the same money as Styrofoam.  At the next meeting we will vote on the price comparison for the cups.  Kevin will give David the website.

Chips/Literature – Elaine P.

No expenditures for the month of June.  We are giving away big books.  

Secretary Coordinator – Asan K.  – No report

Website – John R.

The website is up and running.  It is beautiful and very user friendly.  John announced if any steering committee member wants to be able to put information on the website he will send them the link and directions.  Nancy would like this information to be able to put approved minutes on the website.   A few other people asked John for access.

It was suggested that we put anniversaries on the website.  There was an anonymity discussion around this topic.  Members want to consider this and it will be brought up at the next meeting.

Old Business

Newcomer Packets – The contents of the newcomer packets was approved.  Jeanne volunteered to put together 50 newcomer packets.  

Telephone Bill Issue with Broadband – The committee voted electronically in favor of filing a complaint with the Maryland Public Service Commission.  The committee also has the $100 offer on the table.  A motion was made to pay the $200 that they offered to close the issue.  A motion was made, seconded by David and carried.   A copy of the payment will be sent to Broadband.

Dance – the dance will take place tonight.  David will call the volunteers to meet at LRC at 4:00 p.m.  There are 38 tickets remaining.   Please give Lynnell any receipts you may have from expenses for the dance.

New Business

There was no new business. – The meeting was adjourned.

Steering Committee Meeting May 21, 2016

May 21, 2016

May 2016 – Steering Committee Minutes in .pdf format

Margaret, Tony, Kevin, Mike, Jeff, John K., Jeanne, Denise, John R., Nancy A.

Call to Order:
John K was acting Chair and called the meeting to order followed by the Serenity Prayer.

• Tony will get a date for the Delegate to attend the 9am Sunday meeting
• Margaret will ask if there is anything in place to prevent the bequest issue from happening again. Margaret will send the survey to WAIA on our behalf.
• Mike will provide the information to the hospital meeting that it is an open meeting of alcoholics anonymous.
• Kevin will be researching environmentally friendly cups to see if we can afford to provide these types of cups for coffee.
• Jeanne volunteered to research what we should put into a newcomer packet and will come to the next meeting with a prototype packet.
• John will put a notice on the website about where to get tickets for the dance so people who don’t see the ticket sellers regularly can get a ticket.

Chairs Report – John K. ‐ No Report

Vice Chair Report – Nettie T. ‐ No report.

Treasurer’s Report – John K.
John distributed the Treasurer’s Report and it is made an attachment to these minutes. The report was accepted as written.

GSR Report – Tony
Tony attended the GSR meeting. An Area 13 Delegate has offered to attend one of our meetings to give a report about what is happening in the area. A motion was made a seconded to have her attend.
The secretaries will be asked to announce this when we get a date. Anyone interested should stay after the 9am meeting on the Sunday she is available. She will begin at 10:05‐10:10 a.m. The motion
carried. Tony will email us when he gets a date.
Tony also asked whether we want to fill the position of District Committee Member (DCM). There was no resolution to this question. Tony will report back on this issue.

Washington Area Intergroup Report‐ Margaret
• Margaret requested that we complete the survey that WAIA was asking for. The group answered the questions and completed the survey. Margaret will send it out.
• A website survey was sent out for WAIA and can be accessed on their website.
• Desk support is needed at WAIA.
• The treasurer reported on the bequest issue. They have decided to ask the court for the case to be reopened. If the verdict remains the same, it was decided $5,000 will go to each intergroup in
the entire country or whatever their bylaws allows them to accept. Margaret will ask what is in place to keep this from happening again.
• Policy and voting rules are under scrutiny.
• The 14 committee reports are on the website.

Hospital & Institutions –Mike
There was an issue at the Laurel Hospital meeting. The announcement is that it is a closed meeting but there are many people who come from the hospital who may not be alcoholic. A motion was made to change the framework so the meeting will be identified as an open meeting. Tony seconded. After discussion the motion carried.

Supplies – John K. ‐ No Report

Chips/Literature – Elaine P.
Elaine submitted a report electronically. Nancy made a motion to accept her report, John seconded and the motion carried.

Secretary Coordinator – Asan K. ‐ No report

Website – John R.
The website is being redesigned. It will be offsite for a couple of days. It will be complete by the next steering committee meeting. It will be easy to manage.

Old Business
Environmental Friendly Cups ‐ Kevin will be researching environmentally friendly cups to see if we can afford to provide these types of cups for coffee.

Newcomer Packets – Jeanne volunteered to research what we should put into a newcomer packet and will come to the next meeting with a prototype packet.

Telephone Bill Issue with Broadband – There was a lot of discussion around the telephone bill issue with Broadband. Nancy made a motion that Tony make a reasonable settlement with the company if he can. Kevin seconded. We suggested offering approximately $100.

Dance – Kate has table decorations. There will be 15 tables and 3 tables of food. We will reuse the centerpieces that we already have made. Kate, Jeff, Bernie and Mike will be in charge of set‐up and
clean‐up. John will put a notice on the website about where to get tickets for the dance so people who don’t see the ticket sellers regularly can get a ticket.

New Business
There was no new business. – The meeting was adjourned.