Category Archives: Steering Committee Minutes

Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Meeting Provisional Minutes December 21, 2024

Agenda: Steering Committee Monthly Meeting

The meeting was called to order at: 10:01 a.m., opened with the Serenity Prayer

Attendees: Suzy Q., John R., Nettie T., Jeanne O’, Shawn G., Vincent C., Matthew H., Jay F., Kari K., Drew, and Susan Mc.

Approval of Meeting Minutes from October 19, 2024 :Motion was made by Shawn G. to accept the meeting minutes from November 16, 2024, seconded by John R., and the minutes were accepted by the Steering Committee..


Chairperson–Suzy Q

  • Looking forward to the new elections and ask that the information and list be posted earlier than in the past year in order to give volunteers time to sign up.
  • Let’s roll up our sleeves and think of ways to improve.
  • Would like to propose that we add an Events Coordinator to our elected steering committee member list so that going forward, that type of activity would be anticipated, planned and organized for Laurel Recovery Group.
  • Request that the steering committee meetings be conducted in an orderly, polite manner—no interruptions, rudeness, etc.
  • Would like LRG to develop a Procedure/Planning Calendar for the next Steering Committee. It would show upcoming events and dates and would also flag when preparatory actions would need to be implemented and completed. LRG SC secretary will develop a draft for the January meeting,
  • Motion made and passed that effective 2025, Events Coordinator will be added to the Steering Committee list.
  • Motion made and passed that the February 2026 elections list will be posted on around January 4, 2025— 6 weeks before the February 15th elections (voting to be on February 14th if we follow the same pattern from the last 2 years). The list will be posted by the steering committee secretary, Jeanne O.
  • Motion made that in future years (2026 and forward) the Steering Committee will hold the annual election in January of the year instead of in February. Motion passed. Effective 2026, elections will be held in January of the year.

Vice Chairperson-Selena – Not present

  • No report

Treasurer Report: Jay F

Jay F. presented the November 2024 report.

  • Discussion about high BGE bill. Jay will get BGE bills from Lisa and shop another provider (Direct Energy, etc.).
  •  A motion was made by Jeanne O’   to accept the Treasurer’s Report from November 2024, seconded by Shawn G., and the November 2024 Treasurer’s Report was accepted by the Steering Committee.
  • Per Suzy, the Tuesday 50/50 raffle is going well, and we may want to implement it on another evening as well. Estimate $160 income for LRG per month.

General Services Rep (GSR) Report— No GSR, report presented by Jeanne O’:

  • Area 13 Panel 75 (2025-2026) will begin in January. It would be good to have the new Laurel Recovery GSR begin the 2-year commitment at the same time Panel 75 begins its 2-year commitment.
  • Jeanne will forward WAGSA contribution form to Jay. He will research and make 2024 contributions to GSO, WAIA and WAGSA based on formula used by LRG in the past.
  • LRG member Jeanne O’ will be the Area 13 Panel 75 Registrar

Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Report–Lisa M. Not present

  • WAIA report is on the website.

Hospitals & Institutions Report:

  • Shawn G. continues to facilitate visits to Howard County Hospital two Wednesdays per month. 3 participants have come to Laurel Recovery in person—one has become a volunteer; and 2 have joined the LRG online group
  • Jess continues to facilitate contact with Jennifer Road.
  • Jay F. continues to facilitate contact with Ordinance Road.

Chips–Vincent C.

  • Has added 125 24-hours chips, 50 1-month chips, and 25 6-month chips.

Publications Report–Jeff K. not present

  • Suzy will ask Jeff to order the Plain Language Big Book for LRG to have in stock.

Supplies–report for Jess by Shawn

  • The supplies are good.

Secretary Coordinator–Shawn G.

  • Meetings are good.
  • The recently-broken lock on the inner door has been replaced by Drew, is coded to the same key.
  • Will again put new verbiage agreed upon at last SC meeting about signing court slips into the Secretary’s Handbook.
  • After its reading, a motion was made by Jeanne O’, seconded by Kari K., and passed by the steering committee to accept new AI-language AA safety statement be put in the Secretary Handbook as LRG statement, still indicated as an option for the meeting secretary to read.
    • Jeanne O’ – Virtual Meeting Coordinator
    • Sunday 5:30 online LIVING SOBER meeting’s last day was December 15. Closed by due process of group conscience.

Website–John R.All is well.

Old Business:

New Business:

    • Does fire exit work? There is a Use and Occupancy certificate on the wall.
    • A 5:30 PM meeting secretary asked SC how to deal with disruptive member who has outbursts, and yells insults. Secretary does not want to make bad situation worse, is concerned about impact especially on newcomers. Other comments about and experiences with the individual were expressed. The Steering Committee is scheduling a group conscience for all LRG members to discuss and decide how to deal with disruptive, verbally abusive and intimidating behavior that has affected the safe environment that Laurel Recovery endeavors to provide its members. The group conscience is scheduled for 6:45 PM on Tuesday, January 17th.

The meeting was closed with the AA Responsibility Statement at est. 11:15 AM 

Respectfully submitted, Jeanne O’


Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Meeting Provisional Minutes November 16, 2024

Agenda: Steering Committee Monthly Meeting

The meeting was called to order at: 10:00 a.m., opened with the Serenity Prayer

Attendees:Suzy Q., John R., Nettie T., Jeanne O’, Shawn G., Vincent C., Lisa C., Susan Mc., and Mary Elizabeth

Approval of Meeting Minutes from October 19, 2024 :. Motion was made by John R. to accept the meeting minutes from October 19, 2024, seconded by Lisa C.., and the minutes were accepted by the Steering Committee.


Chairperson–Suzy Q

    • Expression of concern regarding any elected Steering Committee officers who do not provide a monthly report; nor do they attend the meetings. Due to the lateness in this current one-year term cycle (this is month 10 of 12), it was decided by the Committee that no action would be taken at this time.
    • Discussion of the Group’s inability to provide a safe environment in which to fulfill our primary purpose due to disruptive and obstructive behavior –e. g., verbal outbursts, poking other people’s arms, verbally challenging other members’ behavior) by a particular Laurel Recovery member.
      • The behavior is not to be tolerated. The Committee was reminded that Laurel Recovery Group has a personalized safety statement that is tailored from the official A.A. example and it may be read by the secretary if deemed necessary by the secretary; that the disruptive individual may be asked to leave or the police will be called; and that the police will be called if necessary.
      • Regarding the outbursts over the signing of the court slips, it was decided that language stipulating as to exactly when etc. will be removed from the general announcement.

Vice Chairperson-Selena – Not present

  • No report

Treasurer Reportpresented for Jay F. by Lisa C.

  • Lisa C. read Jay F.’s October 2024 report.
  •  A motion was made by Jeanne O’   to accept the Treasurer’s Report from October 2024, seconded by John R., and the October 2024 Treasurer’s Report was accepted by the Steering Committee.
  • Lisa C. , Assistant Treasurer: 
  • reported that the BGE bill amount has doubled due to (1) BGE rate increase and (2) excessive AC use.
  • Discussed choice for LRG’s Grapevine magazine renewal. It was decided that we would subscribe at $66 for two copies for one year, as multiple years provided minimal savin

General Services Rep (GSR) Report— No GSR, report presented by Jeanne O’:

    • PLAIN LANGUAGE BIG BOOK is published. Copy was passed around the meeting for a look.
    • WAGSA Area 13 held elections on October 19. 2024. A new two-year panel (Panel 75) was elected and Panel 73 will end on December 31, 2024.

Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Report–Lisa M. Not present

  • WAIA report is on the website.

Hospitals & Institutions Report:

  • Shawn G. continues to facilitate visits to Howard County Hospital two Wednesdays per month.
  • Jamie and Jess continue to facilitate contact with Jennifer Road.
  • Jay F. continues to facilitate contact with Ordinance Road.

Chips–Vincent C.

  • The chips are good through 52 years.

Publications Report–Emailed in by Jeff K.

  • Jeff does monthly inventory, replenished pamphlets.  Will order literature when requested.

Supplies–report for Jess by Shawn

  • The supplies are good. Able to buy candy replenishment at post-Halloween sale prices.

Secretary Coordinator–Shawn G.

  • The Saturday 8 p.m. meeting that was cancelled due to low attendance HAS BEEN RE-OPENED.
  • Women’s Sunday 4PM meeting will move to Sunday 11:30 AM effective this Sunday, November 17th.
  • Looking for a new Saturday noon Step Meeting secretary.
  • The new thermostat should be installed within 30 days
    • Jeanne O’ – Virtual Meeting Coordinator
    • Meetings are stable. New Ztech has joined the team (Monday 5:30PM)

Website–John R.

  • All is well; the report was sent out to the Steering Committee.

Old Business:

    • John R. is coordinating food delivery and preparation.
    • Noon—John R.; 3PM – Mary Elizabeth;  5:30 PM — Ben and Marta, and 6:30 – 9 PM Susan

New Business:

    • Lisa C. will continue to pay BGE by check as there are certification etc. obstacles involved in auto/electronic payment

The meeting was closed with the AA Responsibility Statement at est. 11:15 AM 

Respectfully submitted, Jeanne O’


Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Meeting Minutes October 19, 2024

Agenda: Steering Committee Monthly Meeting

The meeting was called to order at: 9:08 a.m., opened with the Serenity Prayer

Attendees: John R., Nettie T., Jeff K., Jay F., Shawn G., Suzy Q,  Jess 

Approval of Meeting Minutes from September 21, 2024 :. Motion was made by John R. to accept the meeting minutes from September 21, 2024, seconded by Nettie, and the minutes were accepted by the Steering Committee .


Chairperson–Suzy Q

  • We will continue to do the 50/50 raffle at Tuesdays 5:30 p.m. speaker meetings. The raffle is going well as it brought in over $100 in the past three weeks.

Vice Chairperson-Selena – Not present

  • No report

Treasurer Report: Jay F.  

  • Jay F. gave report for September 2024.
  •  A motion was made by Shawn G to accept the Treasurer’s Report from September 2024, seconded by Jeff K, and the September 2024 Treasurer’s Report was accepted by the Steering Committee.

General Services Rep (GSR) Report—

  • No GSR yet.

Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Report–Lisa M. Not present

  • WAIA report is on the website.

Hospitals & Institutions Report:

  • Shawn G. continues to facilitate visits to Howard County Hospital two Wednesdays per month.

Chips–Vincent C.

  • The chips are good.

Publications Report–Jeff K.

  • Jeff stated everything is good.


  • Jess delivered supplies and receipts prior to the meeting.

Secretary Coordinator–Shawn G.

  • Saturday 8 p.m. was cancelled due to low attendance
  • Shawn suggested a Saturday Promises meeting at 6:30 p.m.
  • New thermostat was approved, Suzy to let the landlord know.

Website–John R.

  • All is well; the report was sent out to the Steering Committee.

Old Business:

  • Jeff K presented at a zoom meeting regarding information about the 501C3 application. Because there was low attendance at the meeting, we are going decided to shelf this idea for now.

New Business:

    • Thanksgiving meal for the rooms was approved. Volunteers needed to pick up food from Harris Teeter.

The meeting was closed with the AA Responsibility Statement at 10:02 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Suzy Q 


Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Meeting Provisional Minutes September 21, 2024

Agenda: Steering Committee Monthly Meeting

The meeting was called to order at: 10:03 a.m., opened with the Serenity Prayer

Attendees: John R., Jeanne O., Nettie T., Jeff K., Jay F., Shawn G., Suzy Q., and Matt H.

Approval of Meeting Minutes from August 17, 2024 :

There was some discussion about whether to change language based on post- meeting comments from an August 17 attendee, but after reviewing the original minutes and suggested changes, no motion to change the minutes was made. Motion was made by John R. to accept the meeting minutes from August 17, 2024, seconded by Shawn G., and the minutes were accepted by the Steering Committee.


Chairperson–Suzy Q

  • Suzy will draft an SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) to the Steering Committee for the organization and operation of future annual picnics.
  • The 50/50 raffle from the September 15th cookout raised $187, and 50% went to LRG.
  • After discussion, a motion was made by John R. that Laurel Recovery have a weekly 50/50 raffle drawing on Tuesdays after the 5:30 meeting. Tickets will be sold before the meeting begins and for 5 minutes after, then there will be the drawing. Motion seconded by Suzy, and was accepted by the Steering Committee. Shawn G. will facilitate the 50/50.
    • The 50/50 raffle will be announced verbally. In order to increase actual meeting time, the Secretary Handbook will no longer contain event announcements, and members will be referred to the bulletin board—“If you’re bored, see the board and you won’t be bored.”

Vice Chairperson–

  • No report

Treasurer Report: Jay F.  

  • Lisa C., Assistant Treasurer’s report given by Suzy Q. The BGE bill was larger than usual and has been paid.
  • Jay F. gave report for August 2024.
    • Reviewed the bank statement.
    • In response to question asking how funds in excess of prudent reserve are distributed: The prudent reserve is reviewed at the end of the year, and it is determined at that time.
    • Income/contributions and Expenses for the period broke even, so the bank balance stayed stable.
  •  A motion was made by John accept the Treasurer’s Report from August 2024, seconded by Jeanne O., and the August 2024 Treasurer’s Report was accepted by the Steering Committee.

General Services Rep (GSR) Report—

  • No GSR yet.
  • Jeanne O. reported that WAGSA held a Special Assembly on September 9th to review Proposed Agenda Items that Area 13 would submit to the General Service Office (GSO) for the 2025 General Service Conference (GSC).
  • WAGSA will hold their Panel 75 elections on Saturday, October 19th. Any member of Area 13 can stand for an office, though only GSRs, DCMs, Committee Chairs[1], and Officers can vote.

[1] Committee Chairs had not been mentioned in the reporting to the Steering Committee.

Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Report–

  • WAIA report is on the website.

Hospitals & Institutions Report:

  • Shawn G. continues to facilitate visits to Howard County Hospital two Wednesdays per month.
  • Shawn is awaiting more communication about the possibility of getting 10 to 12 women to visit/outreach to Jessup’s Women’s Jail.
  • Jess R. still facilitating 7PM women-only visits on designated Thursdays to Jennifer Road. Shawn G. made a visit.
  • Interested males can contact Jay F., who is facilitating, if interested, Twelfth Step visits to Ordinance Road Correctional Facility on 4th Thursday of the month at 7:45PM.


  • John R. provided Vincent C.’s report.
  • The chips are good.

Publications Report–Jeff K.

  • Has taken inventories of the literature.
  • Purchased “Meeting in a Pocket” and pamphlets for the Welcome Packets for newcomers.
  • The H&I “kit” proposed in August has been reshaped to be pamphlets taken on H&I visits as volunteers deem necessary


  • Jess delivered supplies and receipts prior to the meeting and will follow up on coffee filters (Matt donated some for now).
  • There was discussion about paper towel counts dropping too quickly (23 rolls in a week), and the count will be monitored.

Secretary Coordinator–Shawn G.

  • New Friday 5:30 PM secretary doing fine.
  • The Monday 7PM “CAME TO BELIEVE” meeting has closed due to lack of participation.
  • A new secretary team is taking over the Thursday 5:30 PM meeting.
  • A secretary is needed for Women’s Sunday 4PM meeting.
  • Virtual Meeting Coordinator will be added to the Meetings Board.
  • Jeanne O. virtual meeting report: One tech change on Fridays at 5:30 PM, no other changes.

Website–John R.

  • All is well; the report was sent out to the Steering Committee.

Old Business:

  • Jeff K presented some information about the 501C3 application. After he has gathered more data, he will schedule a presentation for Laurel Recovery members (probably online) to be held in about a month.

New Business:

    • There was discussion in response to a member’s recommendation received after the last Steering Committee meeting that the Webmaster role be a rotating position. History: It was established by the Steering Committee about seven years ago that the Webmaster position was –-though volunteer—more of a professional/specialist role and not to be rotated. Suzy made a motion that no changes be made to the Webmaster role/status. The motion was seconded by Shawn. The Steering Committee accepted the motion.
    • Suzy Q. will research LRG’s general liability insurance status.
    • John R. made a motion that LRG set a policy to do reimbursements via Zelle when possible. Seconded by Jeanne O’, accepted by Steering Committee.
    • Matt H. will replace the LRG air filters.

The meeting was closed with the AA Responsibility Statement at 11:12 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Jeanne O’, Secretary


Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Meeting Minutes August 17, 2024 MINUTES

Agenda: Steering Committee Monthly Meeting

The meeting was called to order at: 10:02 a.m., opened with the Serenity Prayer

Attendees: John R., Jeanne O., Nettie T., Jeff K., Brian D., Shawn G., Lisa M., Courtney M., Mike O., Andrew F., Rich C., Bruce D., Suzy Q., Susan M., Jess R., and Gianna

Approval of Meeting Minutes from July 20, 2024 :

A motion was made by Shawn G. to accept the meeting minutes from July 20, 2024, seconded by Brian D., and the minutes were accepted by the Steering Committee.


Chairperson–Suzy Q

  • The carpets have been cleaned and Shawn G. has cleaned most of the chairs.
  • Regarding the LRG September 15th Cookout, trying to reach out to Joanna and pay the balance due for the cookout. There will not be T-shirts made for the occasion.

Vice Chairperson–

  • Not present.
  • No report

Treasurer Report: Jay F.  

  • Lisa C., Assistant Treasurer not present.
  • Jay F. gave report for July 2024.
  • Reviewed the bank statement.
    • Question about two debits on one day for Sam’s Club– outcome was that the bank had processed transactions that were three days apart on the same day.
    • Explanation about high deposit activity was that money to be refunded from the June 21st dance had instead been contributed by the buyers to Laurel Recovery.
    • Response to whether bank deposits are reconciled with the deposits listed in the Secretary’s Book: not as a regular practice. The Assistant Treasurer will be asked to do a reconciliation, though it must be taken into account that the electronic/Zelle contributions would not be reflected in the Secretary’s Book.
    • There was discussion about a uniform procedure for putting each meeting’s collection into the same box, then have it deposited at night. Use envelopes? Notes?  The Secretary Coordinator will write the protocol, so all secretaries use the same procedure.
  •  A motion was made by Jeanne accept the Treasurer Report from July 2024, seconded by Brian D., and the July 2024 Treasurer’s Report was accepted by the Steering Committee.

General Services Rep (GSR) Report—

  • No GSR yet.
  • Jeanne O. reported that the WAGSA Committee Meeting was August 12th, and they had not met in July.
  • The primary topic was Proposed Agenda Items (PAIs) that Area 13 would develop to submit to the General Service Office (GSO) for the 2025 General Service Conference (GSC).

Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Report–Lisa M.

  • WAIA is always looking for volunteers–contact Lisa if you are interested.
  • Prince George’s County Corrections has asked WAIA to do five meetings a week, and one is a women’s meeting, A lot of volunteers are needed. The process will involve a background check. There are also online meetings, but there is a struggle to provide the in-person meetings. Lisa can provide the WAIA address, etc.

Hospitals & Institutions Report:

  • Jamie not present.
  • Shawn G. continues to facilitate visits to Howard County Hospital two Wednesdays per month.
  • Shawn is in communication with someone about the possibility of getting 10 to 12 women to visit/outreach to Jessup’s Women’s Jail.
  • Jess R.: Anyone interested, there are 7PM women-only visits on designated Thursdays to Jennifer Road. Contact Jess,
  • Interested males can contact Jay F., who is facilitating, if interested, Twelfth Step visits to Ordinance Road Correctional Facility on 4th Thursday of the month at 7:45PM.


  • Vincent C. not present, John R. provided his report.
  • The chips are good.

Publications Report–Jeff K.

  • Got a case of Big Books.
  • Took inventory of the pamphlets, got 10 Introduction to A.A. pamphlets.
  • In response to inquiry from Suzy, Jeff will check stock for the Jack Alexander pamphlets.
  • Brian commented that Howard County Hospital had very little literature. Shawn will check with the contact to discuss if the hospital will purchase literature.
  • Andrew suggested an H&I “kit” be developed for the H&I visitors and he will research and create a sample and bring it to the next steering committee meeting.

Supplies–Jess R.

  • $158.94 was spent this month on supplies.
  • Appreciates the texts that give her advance notice of the need for supplies. They allow her to phone ahead, then pick the supplies up.
  • Needs list of items needed for the September 15th cookout. John R. will text the list to Suzy and Jess.

Secretary Coordinator–Shawn G.

  • All is going well. New Friday 5:30 PM secretary Carrie began, aided by Brian G. In answer to a question: The training was facilitated by the steering committee   Secretary Coordinator due to no incumbent to carry out the responsibility.
  • Jeanne O. virtual meeting report: There is a new online Monday 5:30 pm meeting secretary. No tech changes.
  • The Monday 7PM “CAME TO BELIEVE” meeting needs support.
  • Question: Is there still an Al-Anon meeting? Answer: No. There was not enough support for the Sunday 5:30 PM meeting.

Website–John R.

  • All is well; the report was sent out to the Steering Committee.

Old Business:

New Business:

  • A large cockroach was seen last night. Secretaries please be conscientious about sealing food.
  • Jeff K. has researched 501C3 for Laurel Recovery.
    • If LRG is below $50,000, there would be a $275 application fee, and complete 990EZ.
    • LRG would save on sales taxes; contributors could claim tax deduction.
    • Jeff and Jay will prepare a presentation for the next steering committee meeting on what it means.
  • Susan says Hope House comes on Thursdays. The meeting secretary has been bringing in a full Spaghetti dinner for the last Thursday of the month. They would like to expand it to every Thursday. The Secretary and volunteers do all the clean-up. If anyone has a problem with this, let Susan know. The provisions are donated by some LRG members out of pocket. In response to the question of whether this is in keeping with the singleness of purpose of A.A.: This is still an A.A. meeting, it is simply an eating meeting.  No opposition came from the steering committee.
  • Discussion was initiated about an apparent “seat of power” influencing changes in the meetings that are not the choice of all the meetings. Specific examples would be the enforcement of time limits for shares and the reading of the Laurel Recovery Safety Statement–both in the script in the Secretary Book. After discussion, A motion was made by Jeff K that the two readings would be left in the book as OPTIONS that each meeting could choose. Seconded, and motion passed by the steering committee.
  • Brian says that ALL the steering committee positions should be rotated. Laurel Recovery Group holds annual elections for the steering committee positions. There was no further discussion.
  • Gianna would like a Traditions Workshop. She will organize a proposal/outline plan for the next steering committee meeting

The meeting was closed with the AA Responsibility Statement at 11:13 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Jeanne O’, Secretary


Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Meeting Minutes July 20, 2024

Agenda: Steering Committee Monthly Meeting

The meeting was called to order at: 10:02 a.m., opened with the Serenity Prayer

Attendees:Suzy Q, Jay F., Vincent C., Jess R., John R., Jeanne O’, Shawn G., Loida B., Nettie T.

Approval of Meeting Minutes from June 15, 2024 :

A motion was made by John R. to accept the meeting minutes from June 15 2024, seconded by Loida, and the minutes were approved by the Steering Committee.


Chairperson–Suzy Q

  • Regarding 368 Main Street housekeeping issues, we have received a quote to clean the carpets for $125, and to clean the fabric chairs for $10 each. Discussion:
    • Committee agreed that the vendor can clean the carpet for $125
    • Committee will approve that ten chairs may be cleaned by the vendor. Shawn will select and tag the ten chairs.

Vice Chairperson–

  • No report

Treasury Report: Jay F.  (Lisa C.’s report given by Suzy Q.)

  • Jay F. gave report for June2024. After discussion, a motion was made by Jeanne O’  to accept the Treasurer Report from June 2024, seconded by Shawn G., and the June 2024 Treasurer’s Report was approved by the Steering Committee.
  • The $1300 rent will be effect in July (Increase of $300 per month)
  • The Committee reviewed Laurel Recovery’s prudent reserve amount. After an upcoming study of the budget and the effect of the increased need for contributions, and the members’ response to it, the prudent reserve will be reviewed again in three months.
  • A request for more contributions will be added to the LRG online meeting announcements.
  • Lisa C. has paid the BG&E bill

General Services Rep (GSR) Report—

  • The GSR opening is being announced in the meetings.
  • WAGSA is endeavoring to move to in-person meetings rather than hybrid.

Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Report:**

  • **Link to the WAIA report can be found on the LRG website.

Hospitals & Institutions Report:

  • Shawn G. continues to facilitate visitors to visit Howard County Hospital 2 Wednesdays per month–See details and sign-up sheet on the LRG bulletin board. Awaits August dates.
  • Shawn is in communication with someone about the possibility of getting 10 to 12 women to visit/outreach to Jessup’s Women’s Jail.
  • Jess R.: In the near future new applicants **be connected with the scheduler of the 7PM women-only visits on designated Thursdays to Jennifer Road.
  • Interested males can contact Jay F., who is facilitating Twelfth Step visits to Ordinance Road Correctional Facility on 4th Thursday of the month at 7:45PM.

Chips–Vincent C.

  • Except for the 7-month chips that are about to be replenished, the chips are fine.

Publications Report–

  • Jeff has volunteered to Shawn to be the new LRG Publications rep. The steering committee voted him in.
  • Participants in “Back to Basics” courses will be guided on how to purchase the books for themselves a online.
  • Jeanne will send a copy to Shawn of the LRG literature inventory list created a few years ago.

Supplies–Jess R.

  • $370.94 was spent on supplies. The supplies are well stocked, and Jess will continue to monitor and replenish supplies as needed.

Secretary Coordinator–Shawn G.

  • The Wednesday 8PM meeting now has a temporary secretary for an indefinite duration. Shawn will address the possibility of having an earlier starting time of 7PM with that group’s conscience.
  • The Tuesday 5:30 PM Speaker meeting is looking for a new secretary, effective July 31st.
  • The steering committee voted to approve Suzy Q’s request to start a new Monday 7PM “CAME TO BELIEVE” meeting—the time slot will be shared with the “Back to Basics” quarterly class.

Website–John R.

  • The website is doing well; the report was sent out to the Steering Committee.

Old Business:

  • Laurel Recovery Annual Picnic will be re-named the Laurel Recovery Annual Cookout. The space at Laurel Lakes had already been reserved for LRG to have its cookout on Sunday, September 15th from 11AM to 3PM. Suzy Q will pay the deposit,  and will reserve the space for the 2025 event (third Sunday in September 2025).
    • Some 2024 features will be 50-50 raffle, face painting by Loida. John R. will research design and purchase of souvenir t-shirts for the event, to be made available to order in advance of the event.

New Business:

  • Jeanne O’ requested that the steering committee make official the service position of an LRG online meeting coordinator, and offered the following:

“This position has been filled unofficially for two-plus years, but because it has been unofficial, the tasks involved would most likely not be continued should the individual retire or collapse.

Fulfillment of the tasks serves to maintain LRG’s procedural integrity, and to keep the LRG online meetings in sync and included in LRG changes, etc., so it is proposed that the Assistant Secretary Coordinator/Online Meeting Coordinator  [ name changed to VIRTUAL MEETING COORDINATOR by steering committee]:

  • Is elected by LRG members in the Steering Committee Elections (akin to Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer structure)
  • Has a seat/vote at and attends the monthly LRG Steering Committee meetings
  • Is a regular participant of some of the LRG online meetings
  • Keeps record of changes of chair-people and techs for online meetings, mindful of spirit of rotation
  • Informs the Secretary Coordinator and Webmaster of changes regarding online meeting schedules
  • Coordinates communication groups of online meeting secretary and tech teams, includes secretary coordinator in the group texts
  • Updates online anniversary and announcement posts
  • Provides LRG policy and procedures documents/information to online chairpersons; enlists the aid of the Secretary Coordinator as needed
  • Provides training and coordination of online Zoom tech coverage
  • When necessary, assists the online meetings in finding substitute/pinch hitters when gaps appear, enlists the aid of the Secretary Coordinator as needed”

Motion made by Shawn G. to create VIRTUAL MEETING COORDINATOR position, and that it be filled by Jeanne O’ until the next annual Steering Committee Election. Motion seconded by John R. Motion passed by steering committee.

  • Discussion about in-meeting disruption when the participant sharing exceeds the allotted share time. Discussion by committee led to understanding of service roles and necessity of Tenth Step amendment action; clarity on what is courteous and appropriate, and that the meeting secretary would be the appropriate person to carry out the limit-on-share-time policy.

The meeting was closed with the AA Responsibility Statement at 10:42 a.m.

MINUTES ACCEPTED BY STEERING COMMITTEE ON AUGUST 17, 2024. **Amended H&I from “a new applicant” to “new applicants”

Respectfully submitted, Jeanne O’, Secretary

Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Meeting Minutes June 15, 2024

Agenda: Steering Committee Monthly Meeting

The meeting was called to order at: 10:00 a.m., opened with the Serenity Prayer

Attendees:Suzy Q, Jay F., Lisa C., Vincent C., Jess R., John R., Jeanne O’, Shawn G., Loida B., Selena R.

Approval of Meeting Minutes from May 18, 2024 :

A motion was made by Lisa C. to accept the meeting minutes from May 18, 2024, seconded by John R., and the  May 18, 2024 minutes were approved by the Steering Committee.


Chairperson–Suzy Q

  • The June 21 Sober Dinner/Dance has been cancelled as of June 12th.
    • Discussion re: Refunds
      • Ticket buyers will indicate whether they want refunds, and they have the option to contribute the price of the ticket(s) to Laurel Recovery Group.
      • The ticket sellers will provide the assistant treasurer with the name, phone number and amount and method of payment for the ticket buyers.
      • Individuals who paid via Zelle will use their Zelle app, directing the transaction toward and request to Receive (rather than Send) the amount they paid for the ticket. LRG will submit payment back to their account.
      • Checks submitted as payment will be voided and not deposited.
      • Cash payment will be refunded to the ticket buyer by the ticket seller.

Vice Chairperson–Selena R.

  • Nothing to report

Treasury Report: Jay F. and Lisa C

  • Jay F. gave report for May 2024
  • Lisa C.: Will coordinate the refunds due from the June 21 ticket sales.
  • A motion was made by Jeanne O’. to accept the Treasurer’s Report from May 2024, seconded by John R. May 2024 report accepted by the Steering Committee.

General Services Rep (GSR) Report—

  • Area 13 Delegate Report Back was held on Monday June 10, 2024 from 6 to 9 PM, online. Some items of interest were that the maximum personal contribution amount has been increased from $5,000 to $7,500; and that—for clarification of intent—the words “A Tool for….” have been added to the title of the Plain Language Big Book.

Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Report:**

  • **Link to the WAIA report can be found on the LRG website.

Hospitals & Institutions Report:

  • Shawn G. continues to facilitate visitors to visit Howard County Hospital 2 Wednesdays per month–See details and sign-up sheet on the LRG bulletin board.
  • Jess R.: A new applicant has been connected with the scheduler of the 7PM women-only visits on designated Thursdays to Jennifer Road, and they will visit on Thursday, July 4th. Other applications are pending scheduling.
  • Interested males can contact Jay F., who is facilitating Twelfth Step visits to Ordinance Road Correctional Facility on 4th Thursday of the month at 7:45PM.

Chips–Vincent C.

  • After restocking some categories, the chips are fine.

Publications Report–

  • Announcements will be made in meetings that LRG is seeking a new Publications Rep, as the current rep is moving.

Supplies–Jess R.

  • $254.97 was spent for supplies, paper towels will be purchased soon, and Supplies Rep will continue to monitor and replenish supplies as needed.

Secretary Coordinator–Shawn G.

  • Wednesday 8PM meeting will not have a secretary after June 19th. There have been no responses for the service position, though the need has been announced at every meeting. The meeting members will hold a group conscience to discuss/address this after the June 18th meeting ends.
  • Some online meetings have had secretary changes, and the Secretary Coordinator has been kept informed. Two of the low-participation daytime online meetings closed during the May/June months.

Website–John R.

  • The website is doing well; the report was sent out to the Steering Committee.
  • July Back-to-Basics has been added to the website.

Old Business–

New Business:

  • The Secretary Coordinator will re-add to the meeting announcements the need for more contributions from the LRG members; and will remind secretaries that only the Secretary Coordinator will make changes to the Secretary Book on the front desk.
  • Laurel Recovery Annual Picnic: If LRG maintains its traditional schedule pattern from the last few years, LRG will have its picnic on Sunday, September 15th. Suzy Q will reserve the picnic space for the event.
  • Discussion was held about Laurel Recovery’s monthly rent having just been raised. The Chairperson is in communication with the landlord.

The meeting was closed with the AA Responsibility Statement at 10:42 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Jeanne O’, Secretary


Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Meeting Minutes May 18, 2024

Agenda: Steering Committee Monthly Meeting

The meeting was called to order at: 10:00 a.m., opened with the Serenity Prayer

Attendees:  Suzy Q, Jay F., Lisa C., Vincent C., Jess R., John R., Emily P., and Jeanne O.

Approval of Meeting Minutes from April 20, 2024 :

A motion was made by Lisa C. to accept the meeting minutes from April 20, 2024, seconded by John R., and the April 20, 2024 minutes were approved by the Steering Committee.


Chairperson–Suzy Q

  • Refer to “Old Business” section

Vice Chairperson–no report

Treasury Report: Jay F. and Lisa C

  • Jay F. gave report for April 2024
  • Lisa C.: (1) Zelle up and running, (2) will review item regarding BG&E payment
  • A motion was made by Jeanne O’. to accept the Treasurer’s Report from April 2024, seconded by John R. April 2024 report accepted by the Steering Committee.

General Services Rep (GSR) Report—

  • Suzy Q. to check status of LRG GSR
  • Area 13 Delegate Report Back on Monday June 10, 2024 from 6 to 9 PM, online. All are welcome. Flyers to be posted in the LRG room this week.

Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Report:**

  • **Link to the WAIA report can be found on the LRG website.

Hospitals & Institutions Report:

  • Shawn G. continues to facilitate visitors to visit Howard County Hospital –See details and sign-up sheet on the LRG bulletin board.
  • Jess R. can facilitate 7PM women-only visits on designated Thursdays to Jennifer Road.
  • Jay F. is willing to facilitate Twelfth Step male visits to Ordinance Road Correctional Facility on 4th Thursday of the month at 7:45PM. Can connect females with representative if they want to visit.

Chips–Vincent C.

  • Chips are fine.

Publications Report–

  • Publications have been purchased from WAIA. Literature is well-stocked.

Supplies–Jess R.

  • Spent $280 for supplies and will continue to monitor and replenish supplies as needed.

Secretary Coordinator

  • Per Shawn G., Secretary Coordinator is aware of and is addressing some issues regarding lock-up and condition of the room after meetings.
  • Some discussion regarding possible group training for secretaries. Could be in person or as an online meeting.

Website–John R.

  • All is fine, report was sent out to Steering Committee.
  • Additional events have been added to the LRG website

Old Business–

  • SUMMER SOBER DANCE scheduled for June 21, 2024 from 6:30 – 10:30 PM
    • 130 tickets electronic only and now available at $20 each, should be secured via the ticket seller
    • Dance Committee Suzy Q and Emily P (coordinate, organize); Jess R. to handle supplies
    • Caterer same one used for the 50th anniversary celebration and similar menu; the food will be delivered at 5pm on June 21st
    • Budget is projected to be $2600 (=the income anticipated from sale of the tickets)
    • Venue is set for 8521 Corridor Rd, Savage MD 20763 (Savage VFC)
    • Notice is to be sent in a week to WAIA for their Area 13 events list, after LRG members have been given ample time to order tickets
    • A.A. speaker, and other features are selfie booth, DJ, 50-50
  • Fellowship: Jess R. has organized KARAOKE NIGHT on Saturday June 15th from 3 to 6 PM. “Decade Dress” –dress in your favorite decade.
  • Outreach: Literature is being gathered in a box on top of the back storage cabinet to be contributed for an Area member to take for A.A. outreach to Africa.

New Business:

  • Recycling –secretaries are to rinse and recycle the plastic coffee canisters.
  • Meeting format: Inquiry about whether a meeting can open with the Serenity Prayer: If a meeting chooses to open with the Serenity Prayer, that meeting’s group conscience can vote on that.

The meeting was closed with the AA Responsibility Statement at 10:58 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Jeanne O’, Secretary


Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Meeting Minutes April 20, 2024

Agenda: Steering Committee Monthly Meeting

The meeting was called to order at: 10:00 a.m., opened with the Serenity Prayer

Attendees:  Suzy Q, Jay F., Lisa C., Vincent C., Jess R., Shawn G., John R., Nettie T., Selena R., Emily P., and Jeanne O.

Approval of Meeting Minutes from March 23, 2024 :

A motion was made by Lisa C. to accept the meeting minutes from March 23, 2024, seconded by Jay F., and the minutes were approved by the Steering Committee.


Chairperson–Suzy Q

  • Theresa OC is out of the hospital.
  • The room has been cleaned and there are no new complaints.

Vice Chairperson–Selena R.

  • Nothing to report.

Treasury Report: Jay F. and Lisa C

  • Jay F. gave report for March 2024
    • Truist Bank account is closed.
    • PNC Bank checking and savings accounts are open.
  • Lisa C. recounted checking account expenditures.
  • A motion was made by John R. to accept the Treasurer’s Report from March 2024, seconded by Lisa C., and March 2024 report accepted by the Steering Committee.
  • Discussion about options for electronic Seventh Tradition contribution methods (Zelle, Cash App, Venmo, etc.). Lisa C. will follow up so Laurel Recovery can offer an electronic contribution option to its members.

General Services Rep (GSR) Report—pending return of Theresa OC

  • Information about Big Book on sale at AA. Org and upcoming Delegate’s Report event provided by past GSR.

Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Report:**

  • **Link to the WAIA report can be found on the LRG website.

Hospitals & Institutions Report: **

  • ** Jamie I. continues to facilitate volunteers going to Jennifer Road Detention Center.
  • Shawn G. has facilitated groups of 3 volunteers at a time visiting Howard County Hospital on 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays of the month. A sign-up sheet is on the LRG bulletin board.
  • LRG H&I has donated some Big Books to some H&I locations.
  • Jay F. is willing to facilitate Twelfth Step visits to Ordinance Road Correctional Facility.

Chips–Vincent C.

  • Chips are good. Have purchased 100 one-day chips and 25-30 various month-increments chips.

Publications Report– report by Lisa C.

  • Grace M. has ordered various publications from WAIA.
  • Big Books are on sale at AA. Org starting May 2024 for about 6 weeks
  • Some Big Books have been donated for H&I visits.
  • Okay for LRG to donate used Grapevines and literature for an Area 13 member who is taking them to rehabs in Africa. Contact person Jeanne O’.

Supplies–Jess R.

  • Spent $266 for supplies and will continue to monitor and replenish supplies as needed.

Secretary Coordinator–Shawn G.

  • Thursday 5:30PM Big Book meeting has had two turnovers of secretary recently, and needs a secretary.
    • The Steering Committee voted unanimously that—though only 3 months sober—Emily P., known and present LRG member, can be the Thursday 5:30PM secretary.
  • Received online groups update: Sunday 9AM and 5:30 PM meetings secretary rotations, and pending changes to Sunday 11AM meeting. There is an ongoing need for more Zoom technicians.

Website–John R.

    • All is fine, report was sent out to Steering Committee.
    • On MAY 9th, online ticket sales and registration open for SESSIONS BY THE SEA (Tuesday September 3rd through Sunday September 8th, 2024). The link can be found on the Laurel Recovery website.

Old Business–NONE

New Business:

  • Discussion about recycling challenges
  • Fellowship: Steering Committee voted to host a dance in June or July. Shawn G. and Emily P. will explore locations, menu options, dates.
  • Fellowship: Jess R. will organize a Saturday-night Karaoke event.

The meeting was closed with the AA Responsibility Statement at 11:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Jeanne O’, Secretary

Laurel Recovery Steering Committee Meeting Minutes March 23, 2024

Agenda: Steering Committee Monthly Meeting

The meeting was called to order at: 10:01 a.m., opened with the Serenity Prayer

Attendees:  Suzy Q, Jay F., Lisa C., Vincent C., Grace M., Jess R., Shawn G., John R., Dia, Mary, Ms. Nettie, Loida

Approval of Meeting Minutes from January 20, 2024 :

A motion was made by Lisa C. to accept the meeting minutes from February 17, 2024. A second was made by Shawn and the minutes were approved.

Chairperson – Suzy Q

  • Theresa O.C. – We will continue to pray for her speedy recovery. It has been amazing to see the fellowship come together in her time of need to rally, visit , send cards and help out.
  • We’ve had a few complaints about the room being dirty and food being left out in between meetings.  Shawn to provide Tupperware for food storage and Rebecca has volunteered to vacuum and mop weekly.
  • We also would like to acknowledged Drew’s for his efforts with fixing the bathroom light and replacing the kitchen faucet. Thanks Drew!

Vice Chairperson: Not in Attendance

Treasury Report: Jay F. and Lisa C
A motion was made by John R. to accept the Treasurer Report from February 17, 2024.  A second was made by Shawn G. and the Treasurer Report was unanimously approved.

  • New PNC Bank is up and running. Thank you Jay, Lisa and Jeanne for their efforts.
  • Still working on an electronic banking system. Lisa to check out Cash App or Zelle.

General Services Rep (GSR) Report: Position Open

  • Shawn G. to ask Jeanne about the position and what it entails.

Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Report: WAIA Representative—not present

  • Link to the WAIA report can be found on the LRG website.

Hospitals & Institutions Report: Jaime – Not Present

  • Jaime has been taking volunteers to Jennifer Road Detention Center for meetings.
  • Shawn G to provide information next month to sign up for meetings at Howard Co. General.

Chips: – Vincent

  • All Good

Publications Report: Grace M.

  • Grace has done an great job at organizing and taking inventory on the books we have and the books we need.
  • We will be donating tattered books to other charities.

Supplies: Jess R.

  • Jess purchased cleaning supplies and will continue to monitor supplies as needed.

Secretary Coordinator: Shawn G.

  • Shawn will let the secretaries know about the new bank procedures.
  • Dia suggested possibly getting a secretary journal for all secretaries to communicate with each other.
  • We also provided Dia with the LR What’s Up App information.

Website: John R.

  • Stats were sent via email at the beginning of this week.

Old Business:

  • Verbiage to be put in the secretary book regarding extra donations and sharing time rules.

New Business:

  • No new business to report.

The meeting was closed with the AA Responsibility Statement at 11:02 a.m.