MAY 20, 2017
Nancy A., John K., Jeanne O., Kate B., Lynnell M., John R., David M., Elaine P., Jerry D.
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.
Minutes were reviewed and accepted as written.
Actions for next meeting:
- Nancy A. will put an announcement in the book requesting a 12-step chair and to
contact Lynnell for information. - Kate B. is the new H & I chair.
- Jeanne will put a notice in the book asking the groups to have a group conscience to
determine if anyone is interested in taking over secretary positions, if the position has
been in longer than the time stated in the guidelines. - Kate will be determining a new date to clean Laurel Recovery and ask for volunteers.
Elaine has agreed to update the glass cabinet with Tools of Recovery, updating the
literature and prices. - Kate will present a proposal to the committee about having another dance.
Chairs Report – David M.
No Report
Vice Chair’s Report – Jerry D.
No Report
Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell
Gave the April report. Nancy made a motion that the budget be accepted as written, Margaret seconded and report was accepted.
GSR Report
No Report
WAIA Report – Margaret M.
- The WAIA needs volunteers to answer phones while people are on vacation. They also need a Finance Chair. There are also Executive Committee openings. Several locations need meetings for H&I. The new website has the ability to take online contributions. If anyone has volunteered to take the the calls on their cell phone, please put this number into your cell phone so you will know the call is coming from the WAIA hotline. 202-966-9782.
- There is a new book called Making Amends available for $11.50. The gala was held but it had smaller attendance this year than in past years.
- The WAIA is asking if a list be kept of 12-step volunteers in your area. They are asking for a group contact to organize a 12-step call list for each group. Since Laurel Recovery has so many groups, it would require someone to coordinate for L.R. A motion was made to create a new position on the board. This person would maintain a list of people willing to do 12 step calls with their numbers. Nancy will create an announcement page and Lynnell will talk to the interested people. Motion was seconded and passed.
H&I Report – Kate B.
Kate B. volunteered to be the H&I Chair. Lynnell made a motion to accept her as chair, John seconded and the motion passed.
Supplies – Josh M.
David M. gave report. All okay. Combination to supplies cabinet was changed. Coffee is disappearing fast. Please use one bag for coffee.
Chips & Literature – Clark H.
David M. gave report. All is well with chips and literature per Clark’s report. Pamphlets are needed for the newcomers packets. The How it Works page was copied by Jeanne and David.
Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O.
- Jeanne reported she made five sets of keys. She has had to cover some secretaries at meetings this month. Keys were distributed to Marta, Jim S. and Quentin.
- Jeanne presented a questionnaire that she would like the secretaries to complete. The group appreciated Jeanne’s work on the questionnaire, but decided not to use it.
- The secretaries should be reading the guidelines, which states that the term limits for a secretary position is six months to one year. David made a motion seconded by John to request that groups have a group conscience to determine change in secretary position, if necessary.. The motion carried.
Website – John R.
Website is running smoothly.
Old Business
- Sponsor List – Nancy will update the sponsor list and type up a new list to put on the
New Business
- Kate will determine another day to clean Laurel Recovery and request participation from
the groups. - Kate requested if the arm rails can be painted in the stairwell and was
approved to do that. - Kate requested to close off the front corner with a curtain so the
area is more enclosed and less cluttered and was approved to do that. - Kate will approach the steering Committee with a proposal about having a dance.
- There was a request to change the wall cabinet to have pictures of people who are no
longer with us but who were involved in Laurel Recovery for years. The response from
the committee was negative. Elaine has agreed to update the cabinet with Tools of
Recovery, current literature and prices.
The meeting was adjourned.