February 18, 2017
Laurel Recovery Min 2.18.17
Attendees: Nancy A., John K., Margaret M. Ernest J., Elaine P., Tony C., John R., David M., Nettie T., Josh M., Jeanne O, Roberto V., Clark H., Jerry D.
Elections were voted on and the slate of officers for 2017 are:
Chair – David M
Vice Chair – Jerry D.
Alternate Vice Chair – Nettie T.
Treasurer – Lynnell M.
Secretary – Nancy A
GSR – Not chosen
WAIA Rep – Margaret M.
H & I – not chosen – Mike will be voted next month if he attends.
Literature and Chips – Clark H.
Supplies – Josh M.
Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O.
WebMaster – John R.
David called the meeting to order after the elections.
John R. will change the board at Laurel Recovery to reflect the new appointments.
John R. will connect the WAIA website with the Laurel Recovery website.
David will get a box of 500 envelopes and get them printed at an outside facility.
Committee was formed to see Roberto’s property.
Josh will research BB&T bank to see if they would provide us with free deposit slips.
Nancy and Lynnell will work on organizing the annual activities for Laurel Recovery.
Chairs Report – David M. – No Report
Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry D. – No Report
Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.
Lynnell gave the January report. She also reviewed last year’s expenses and income.
The group reviewed the budget established by Lynnell after the 2016 expenses were totaled. The proposed budget was submitted. Nancy made a motion that the budget be accepted as written, John R. seconded and the motion carried.
GSR Report – No Report
WAIA Report – Margaret M
Margaret brought information about what WAIA and WAGSA is about. She will post it on the board. She also submitted the minutes from the previous meeting and the bylaws. WAIA has hired an accountant to work on the sales tax issue.
WAIA needs volunteers for desk work, H&I commitments, a Chair for H&I, and other service opportunities. They have a Love and Service opportunity list on their website. Their new website is easy to use. The gala will be April 15, 2017 in Silver Spring. Tickets can be obtained through the website for $45.00. Nancy made a motion for
Laurel Recovery to link with the WAIA website so the information can be accessed through our website. John seconded and the motion carried.
Supplies – Josh M. – No Report
Chips & Literature – Elaine P./Clark H.
Nothing spent this month. Elaine gave her last report of inventory. Clark H. will be taking over for Elaine this year.
Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O. – No Report
Website – John R.
Website is running smoothly. The results of surveying the group about getting a microphone were negative.
Old Business
Newcomer Packets – David will get a box of 500 envelopes and will get them printed.
New Business
Building – The Laurel Recovery building was sold and so there is a new landlord. Our lease is valid until May 31, 2019. The landlord has agreed that he will keep us as the tenants and will continue doing business as we have done in the past.
Roberto V. is offering a building that he owns for a recovery club or facility for the price of taxes, condo fee and utilities. The building is on Contee Road and Route 1. A committee will be formed to look at the building. Roberto will be contacted and a date will be set to see this facility sometime after March 10 but before the next steering
committee meeting. Discussion will continue at the next meeting.
The committee will be made up of:
David M.
Jeanne O.
Nettie. T.
Lynnell M.
John K.
Ernie J.
Clark H.
Jerry D.
John R.
Josh brought up the electric bill and the issues around the inefficient air conditioning in the summer. This topic has been discussed by the Steering Committee at previous meetings.
Josh brought up the idea of changing banks so we are not charged for deposit tickets.
Josh will research BBT to see if we would get free deposit tickets. That would save Laurel Recovery $300 per year.
Lynnell recommended that we organize a list of our activities and when they happen, so we are not scrambling at the last minute to put together some of the Laurel Recovery activities. Nancy and Lynnell will work on this.
The meeting was adjourned.