The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
All posts by Laurel Recovery
November 18th Minutes Approved December 16, 2017
Attendees: Nancy A., Jeanne O., Brien B., Cal B., Ben G., Margaret M., Sharron O., Tony C., Lynnell M., Jerry D., David M., Clark H., Josh M., Ernie J.
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.
Actions items:
- David will coordinate with BBT to set up new accounts. Ben G. Is the new GSR for Laurel Recovery
- Jeanne will put volunteer sheets up in the back for Christmas and New Years Alcathons.
- Sign up to help with the ICYPAA International Convention in Baltimore.
Chairs Report – David M. –
October 21 minutes were approved as written.
Vice Chair’s Report — Not present
No Report
Treasurer’s Report – The treasurer’s report was distributed via email. The federal ID number was given to Revere Bank and they have not communicated with us since. It is recommended we use BBT bank. There will be no fee for deposits. Three signatories are needed, President, Treasurer and John K. A motion was made to use BBT by Nancy, seconded by Lynnell and the motion was approved. A motion was made to accept the the treasurer’s report by Ben, seconded by Brien and the motion was approved.
GSR Report –
A motion was made by David to vote Ben G. as GSR. Jeanne seconded and the motion was approved.
WAIA Report – Margaret M.
- Report from General Service Conference was given to the Secretary WAIA Bylaws was given to the Secretary.
- The Gala will be held on Dec. 31. All dates will be posted on the WAIA board.
- The Board and GSO is restructuring which will be a topic for next general service mtg. There have been discussions about the next Big Book edition.
- WAIA financial statements were turned over to the Treasurer. People are needed to volunteer for service on the Board.
- There are desk openings at headquarters on Connecticut Avenue.
- The minutes from the WAIA meeting will be on the WAIA board at Laurel Recovery.
H&I Report – Not present
No Report
Supplies – Sharron
A few things are needed. The coffee will no longer be ordered in packets.
Chips & Literature – Clark H.
Chips, Big Books and literature is all stocked.
Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O. – Thanksgiving day is covered for the whole day. She requested that we have a lot of supplies and coffee available. Food will be there.
Website – John R. Not present
12-Step Chair – Brien B
Brien will put the list up front for people to sign up. It was suggested that we clarify in the announcements that anyone who is interested in going on 12 step calls to contact Brien B. It isn’t worded that way and it is confusing.
Old Business
A question was asked about the trash situation. David announced the trash can be set by the dumpster out back.
New Business
For Christmas Jeanne will put a sign up sheet on the board for volunteers for meetings on that day. There will be 8 meetings – 8am, 10am, 12noon, 2pm, 4pm, 5:30pm, 7pm and 8:30pm. Margaret will be here and will take spots in between the meetings. Covered dishes are welcome. A food list will also be posted.
On New Years Even there will also be additional meetings. 9am, 11am, 4pm, 5:30pm, 7:30pm, 9:30pm and 11:30pm.
The 60th ICYPAA International Conference is happening in Baltimore. They need people to be involved. It will be August 30-September 2, 2018. Contact Ben if you are interested and he can tell you how to contact them.
The meeting was adjourned.
NEW REPORTER December 2017
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
NEW REPORTER November 2017
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
NEW REPORTER October 2017
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
NEW REPORTER September 2017
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
NEW REPORTER August 2017
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.