The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
All posts by Laurel Recovery
NEW REPORTER December 2019
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
LRG Steering Cmte Minutes 11-16-19
Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee January 18, 2020
Attendees: John R., Margaret M., Lynnell M., Nettie T., Jeanne O., Jim S., Marianne P., Deanna C., Ernie J.
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.
Minutes approved for October 19 meeting, with correction regarding reason action required to confirm LRG meeting schedule with WAIA website.
Action Items
- CONTINUE TO CARRY FORWARD FROM OCTOBER: A suggestion was made to increase the prudent reserve. It was decided that topic will be discussed after the end of the year report is complete and budget comparisons are made, which will allow for more appropriate recommendations.
- Christmas day schedule tents and announcements to be put out in after Thanksgiving
- December 31st additional New Year’s Eve meetings to be advertised only if firm commitment made by volunteer(s) to oversee room and meetings. To be discussed definitively at next steering committee meeting December 21
- John R. to re-send November Thanksgiving schedule to be posted on WAIA website
- Ernie to rent Rug Doctor and cleaning fluid and clean carpets
- Webmaster will post poll to feel for the pulse of LRG membership regarding optional closing—AA literature-based prayers rather than the Lord’s Prayer—for meeting closings.
Update on old Action Items
- John R. found WAIA meeting schedule to be correct
- John K. was not able to get particular cake source of interest, Lynnell will proceed to order cakes from other providers discussed
- Banister is fixed by landlord, along with lights
Chair’s Report — John R.
- Sponsorship workshop went well
- Update on action items from 10-19-19
Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry
No Report
Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.
- The October 2019 treasurer’s report was reviewed. The increase in the closing balance over that of October 2018 was attributed to increased donations. A motion was made and seconded to accept the report and the motion carried
- Cake report: Will order from Weis or Sam’s Club
GSR Report – No GSR rep, no report
WAIA Report – Margaret
Margaret gave full report of notes taken related to agenda of last WAIA meeting.
• WAIA seeking accessibility/technology skills. Full minutes from WAIA meeting are on LRG bulletin board.
• WAIA funds are lower, though not critical. This is gratitude month and extra donation box for WAIA is passed with 7th Step basket.
• Call for phone volunteers to roll phones to for night watch 10PM+.
• WAIA Gala to be June 6, 2020. Possibility of WAIA picnic instead of formal gathering.
• WAIA event flyers are on LRG bulletin board.
• LRG SC discussion regarding WAIA handling of groups on WAIA meeting schedule who are reported to not open meetings as scheduled. WAIA researches such reports, and meetings are removed from the WAIA schedule if found to have closed.
H&I Report – Barrett G.
- Barrett emailed report
- Hope House commitment going well
Supplies – Marta C.
Supplies are good – fully stocked.
Secretary Coordinator – Deanna
- Rebecca is new Monday noon secretary
- Motion about adding announcement of availability of secretary positions when term reached, and motion made but not seconded.
Website — John R.
12-Step Chair — Brian B.
- No new news from WAIA on 12 Step referrals
Secretaries –
Ernie said when he arrived last night, he found faucet was left running in bathroom.
New Business —
- Ernie volunteered to clean carpets. Will rent Rug Doctor and cleaning fluid. LRG to reimburse up to $100. Motion made and seconded.
- Request made that “mini moos” – ½ and ½ minis – be offered as additional option with coffee fixings. Motion made to buy experimental quantity and motion seconded.
- Member introduced practices from Colorado meetings where (1) groups include as part of their general readings the responsibility declaration — “When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that, I am responsible.” – and (2) some groups opt for AA literature-based prayers (3rd, 7th, etc.) rather than the Lord’s Prayer for group closings. After LRG SC discussion, it was decided that a poll could be taken to determine the pulse of LRG membership regarding the optional closing—the SC being mindful that “each group should be autonomous… ”– Motion made and seconded that the webmaster will post poll.
The meeting was adjourned.
NEW REPORTER November 2019
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee November 16, 2019
Steering Cmte Minutes October 19 2019
Attendees: Nancy A., John R., Marta C., Margaret M., Mike D., Lynnell M., John K., Nettie T., Jeanne O.
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.
Action Items
- John R will talk with David M to see if the banister in the stairwell can be fixed, cleaned and/or painted
- Next year action item- discuss the suggestion of increasing the prudent reserve.
- John R. will address the claim that there are incorrect times for Laurel Recovery meetings on the WAIA website.
- John K. Will contact his friend and look into getting cakes made for Laurel Recovery.
- Lynnell M. Will be the new cake person and Will send her pictures of the anniversary board when there is a one year anniversary listed.
Chair’s Report — John R.
- John K. Followed up with st. Mary’s church and received the dance $200 deposit.
- The item about the cleaning or painting the banister in stairwell is still outstanding.
- Motion was made by Lynnell to accept the August minutes as written. Motion was seconded by John and unanimously passed.
- The sponsorship workshop will be held again on November 2. Karen C., Lynnell M., Kevin L. And Jim C. Will be the panel participants.
- The picnic was well received. A cooler was purchased. The supplies budget stayed within $300.
Vice Chair’s Report — Jerry
No Report
Treasurer’s Report – Lynnell M.
- The August report was reviewed. A motion was made and seconded to accept the August Treasurer’s report and the motion carried.
- The September report was reviewed. A motion was made and seconded to accept the September Treasurer’s report and the motion carried.
- A suggestion was made to increase the prudent reserve. It was decided that topic will be discussed after the end of the year report is complete and budget comparisons are made, which will allow for more appropriate recommendations.
GSR Report – No report
WAIA Report – Margaret
Margaret attended the September meeting and will put minutes on the WAIA bulletin board.
• WAIA needs volunteers to answer phones.
• An Outreach Committee Chair is needed to make people aware of WAIA.
• Rules committee chair is needed on how to interpret the bylaws.
• Executive Committee election will be held in December.
• Contributions are down.
• An Old timers meeting will be held on November 8. Need volunteers.
• Interesting things are happening with technology.
• WAIA is cooperating with the professional community
• Public Service Announcements are being pushed through I-Heart Radio.
H&I Report – Barrett G.
There is a new commitment at the Hope House every Wednesday at 7PM. Barrett is working on establishing commitments at jails and other institutions.
Supplies – Marta C.
Supplies are good – fully stocked.
Secretary Coordinator – Deanna
Noon on Monday meeting is in need of a Secretary. The meetings are rotating through new people for secretaries of meetings. A question was raised about providing cakes for anniversary meetings. This will be discussed in “new business”.
Website — John R.
The traditions are posted on the website through a new Laurel Recovery YouTube channel. A question was raised about whether content for the website should be run through the Steering Committee. It was stated by the Chair that the webmaster has the discretion of putting things on the website and that other positions are not micro-managed. The Steering Committee can veto the content afterwards, if it is deemed inappropriate.
12-Step Chair —No Report
Secretaries –
A secretary was told that there are meetings missing or times are wrong on the WAIA website for Laurel Recovery. John will look into that.
New Business —
It has been requested that Laurel Recovery provide cakes for anniversaries. There was discussion. Lynnell volunteered to be the cake person. John R. will take a picture of the anniversary board when there is a one year anniversary listed and send the picture to Lynnell. John K. Will check with his friend about making the cakes. He will send an email to the committee about what he finds out. A motion was made and seconded to provide cakes for people with one year anniversaries. The motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes Approved by the Steering Committee October 19, 2019
Steering Cmte Minutes August 2019
Attendees: Nancy A., John R., Nettie T., John K., Deanna C., Jeanne O., Jerry D., Lynnell M., Matt H., Marta C.
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.
Action Items
- John K. Will follow up with St. Mary’s Church about the $200 deposit from the
- John R. Will text David M. About the status of the Can it be fixed or painted?
Chair’s Report — Motion was made to accept the July minutes as written. Motion was seconded and unanimously passed.
Sponsorship workshop went very well and there was positive feedback.
Picnic will be held on September 21 from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.. John will get flyers for the picnic and it will be announced at meetings.
Vice Chair’s Report — No Report
Treasurer’s Report – Laurel Recovery is doing very well financially. Lynnell reviewed the report with the group. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. The motion carried.
GSR Report – No report
WAIA Report – There was no WAIA meeting therefore, no report.h
H&I Report – No Report
Supplies – Supplies are good and staying within budget. Picnic supplies will be purchased about a week before the picnic. Rough cost estimate is approximately $300.
Secretary Coordinator – Meetings are covered and all is fine. How do we send a group text to secretaries? Deanna wants to text the secretaries to be mindful about their time commitment.
Meetings should have a group conscience to determine if it time for a new secretary. A reminder can be sent out every six months about the time commitment for secretaries, although it is in the secretary guidelines.
Website — John R. Sent out the stats yesterday. We have had an influx of newcomers and 703 users.
12-Step Chair —No Report
Secretaries – No Report
New Business —
A question was raised about the banister in the stairwell. Can it be cleaned or painted? The landlord is supposed to be fixing it. John R. Will text David M.
Matt brought up the topic about profanity in the meetings. He is strongly against allowing profanity. There was extensive discussion about whether the statement made from the Steering Committee at the beginning of the meeting is sufficient and if It was decided to keep the statement as is. “Try to refrain from the use of profanity for the comfort of all.”
The meeting was adjourned.
NEW REPORTER September 2019
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
NEW REPORTER August 2019
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.
The NEW REPORTER is a monthly publication of the W.A.I.A., Inc., 4530 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008. Printed Subscriptions are $7.50 per year and Digital Subscriptions are FREE. Articles and event information are encouraged from members of the Fellowship and its friends.