October 21, 2017

Laurel Recovery Min 10.21.17

Attendees: David M., John K., Tony C., Nancy A., Margaret M., Jeanne O., Clark H., Lynnell M., Josh M., Jim. S., Elaine P., Chris B., Earl H.

Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

Actions for next meeting:

Elaine P. Will provide the literature and chips inventory to Clark from lats year.

Chairs Report – David M. – No report

Vice Chair’s Report — Not present – No Report

Treasurer’s Report – The treasurer’s report was distributed. The funds are still at PNC bank and will be removed when we transfer all funds to Revere. A balance will be maintained at both banks until all checks are cleared. Lynnell is trying to obtain our federal id number in order to open the new account. The Treasurer’s report was approved.

GSR Report – No Report

WAIA Report – Margaret M.

Desk workers are needed at WAIA.

New Where & When is coming out soon.

Donations to WAIA can be made electronically on website. Website is changing making communication easier.

New election nominations deadline is December 1. There are several positions open. There is a need for H&I outreach.

There will be a gala in the spring. After the gala, a decision will be made about continuing this activity.

H&I Report – Not present

No Report

Supplies – Josh M.

Sharron was nominated to take over this position. John made a motion and Elaine seconded for Sharron to handle supplies and was voted in. She arrived later in the meeting and agreed to take over this position.

Chips & Literature – Clark H.

Clark goes through the chips every Tuesday. Quite a few chips are missing and there is concern that they are not being used at Laurel Recovery. There was discussion about how often Big Books have been purchased in the past. Elaine has an inventory from last year and will provide the inventory to Clark.  Clark was approved to purchase a case of Big Books. John R. will also help Clark to keep chips stocked and will give David notice if coffee is getting low in the locked closet.

Secretary Coordinator – Jeanne O. – Keys have been distributed to the “pitch-hitters” who are often called upon to substitute for secretaries when needed.

Website – John R.

Website is doing well. There is approximately 50 hits a day. A meeting guide Ap has been put on L.R. website so anyone can download it to their phone.

Old Business New Business

Nancy asked about whether it would be smart to put a combination lock on the doors so there are not so many keys floating around. It would not be a good idea because it is too easy for people who should not have the combination to gain access. Also there is another meeting held in the other room across the hall.

Earl asked about the trash situation. David reported that the owner is working on it and when there is resolution, David will be notified and he will share with the groups.

The meeting was adjourned. SECRETARIES MEETING

Attendees: Attendees from the Steering Committee Meeting and Jerry D, Larry L., Sharron O., Otiscia W.

The meeting was opened. The discussion was around the topic of doing everything we can at Laurel Recovery for the newcomer.

There was a lot of discussion about how Laurel Recovery meetings can ensure we are doing everything possible to welcome the newcomer. Every meeting at Laurel Recovery is autonomous, therefore no outside group can dictate the meeting format. It is being suggested by the steering committee that every meeting have a group conscience to determine if they are meeting the needs of the newcomer, what else they can do for the newcomer and if they want to do anything different than what they already do.

Some thoughts and ideas brought forward at the steering committee meeting were as follows:

  • When a newcomer introduces him/herself in the meeting, read Page 30 (first 4 paragraphs) in the Big Book in addition to or instead of reading How it
  • When a newcomer introduces him/herself in the meeting, give them a Newcomer Packet, available in the black
  • Have a greeter for your meeting welcome everyone which connects a newcomer to someone in the meeting as soon as they walk
  • Be sure the 24-hour chip is explained clearly and distributed at each
  • When opening the meeting, ask if any newcomers would like to share
  • Announce no crosstalk (especially to the newcomer), only share your experience, strength and hope when you were a
  • If it is a step meeting, change the format for that meeting by reading the first step instead of the current
  • Refer the newcomer to the Friday noon Beginners
  • Any other thoughts from your group conscience that welcomes the newcomer to your meeting and to AA as a

Nancy A. Agreed to type up this list of suggestions and leave it at the front desk so the secretaries can request a group conscience and discuss these suggestions.

The meeting was adjourned.