LRSteeringComReopenPlan_August 22 2020
Attendees:Brandon C., Cal B., Eddie P., Jay F., Jeanne O., Jerry D., John R, Lisa C., Loida B., Lynell M., Margaret F., Margaret M., Nettie T., Sabrina S., Theresa O.C.
LR Steering Committee Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM with the Serenity Prayer.
A special steering committee meeting was held on Saturday, August 22, 2020 to discuss reopening Laurel Recovery (LR) and hold in-person meetings at noon on Monday and Wednesday only. Members voted on the following points:
- A no-contact thermometer will be used in order to take the temperature of meeting attendees as they enter.
- The no-contact thermometer will be locked in the front cabinet. Only meeting secretaries will have access to the cabinet.
- Meeting secretaries will clean the room before and after the meeting, including the armchair rests and door knobs.
- Masks must be worn at all times by all attendees even while speaking at the meeting. Masks will be available in case persons do not have any.
- Meeting secretaries are the only ones who will handle 7th tradition contributions, vinyl gloves will be provided for that purpose.
- Neither food nor drink (e.g. coffee and snacks) will be provided/shared during the meeting. If you want to drink or snack bring your own and it cannot be shared.
- Meeting attendees will have to bring their own literature. The literature cabinet will be closed.
- Chairs will be spaced according to social distancing guidelines of six feet. There will be no tables. Once chairs are placed, they cannot be moved.
- Newcomers will be offered priority seating if the room is at capacity. Longstanding members will have to vacate their seats. Virtual meetings will be offered as a substitute.
- A contact list form will be provided to members to fill out for contact tracing purposes. The form will be voluntary. It will contain the date and time of the meeting and will be destroyed within two to three weeks as it will not be part of the permanent record. The contact list will be stored in the same cabinet as the no-contact thermometer. Hand sanitizer will be provided in proximation to the form.
- The 7th tradition basket will only be handled by the meeting secretary as previously stated and will be kept in a location easily accessible by all members. The basket will not be passed around as per tradition, rather, it will be kept in one location and members will drop money into the basket.
- Hand sanitizer will be readily available at all times as has been the tradition at LR.
- In-person noon meetings will be secretaried as follows: Monday – Eddie P. Wednesday – Loida B.
A motion was made and seconded to vote on the above-mentioned plan. The vote passed unanimously for the Monday and Wednesday noon in-person meetings to proceed. The votes were as follows:
Nettie T. | YES |
John R. | YES |
Cal B. | YES |
Eddie P. | YES |
Jeanne O. | YES |
Theresa O.C. | YES |
Margaret F. | YES |
Sabrina S. | YES |
Lisa C. | YES |
Jerry D. | YES |
A motion was made and seconded to approve Eddie P. making a second set of keys for Loida B. to secretary the Wednesday meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:51 A.M.